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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Muslims in U.S. report spike in discrimination, threats

In the wake of the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Muslims around the U.S. say the rhetoric against them has becoming increasingly incendiary.

A few weeks ago, armed protesters picketed a mosque in Irving, Texas, some chanting "Every Muslim is a terrorist!"

In Virginia, tempers erupted at a meeting over building a mosque -- one man yelled "every one of you are terrorists" at a Muslim man. Sunday night in Philadelphia, a severed pig's head was found outside a mosque.

And voice messages saying "you're not welcome here, I hope you get sprayed with pig's blood," among other things, was left on an answering machine of the Dallas chapter of CAIR, the Council of American Islamic Relations.



  1. I can't say I blame them , I don't trust any muslim . If you think about it , they all have the same bible , the so called "kuran" , they dress alike , what the hell is anyone to think.
    I still think that this is not a religion , but a cult . Get rid of them all.

  2. What do they expect. Very seldom do you hear them denouncing the actions of their brothers.

  3. so instead of complaining about so called threats why don't they rise up and speak out about the killings. I hear nothing about that

  4. So? Whites citizens are being threatened in this country ever day in person and online by the black lives matter activists. They've been calling for hangings and lynching of white people and other forms of violence against them for months now.

  5. It's sickening that any American or group of Americans can be singled out for this type of hatred, bigotry and discrimination. This is America, founded on the idea of equal rights, tolerance and freedom from discrimination. Read your Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    1. Liberal dirtbag.

    2. The isolated, minor incidents of vocal opposition to Islamists, is NOTHING compared to the type of bigoted hatred many Muslims in this country have demonstrated towards Americans.

      They might get their feelings hurt because some Americans expressed their outrage for Muslim violence, big deal. Americans, non-Muslims in particular, have been subjected to far more than just "hatred and discrimination" from Muslims.

      I don't feel sorry for them. Go move to Qatar or Sudan and wallow in Islam over there.

  6. 10:51 ....but according to Muslim doctrine their Koran and Sharia law is higher than our constitution. They can't have it both ways.

  7. Awwwww mow they know what it feels like ,where are these moderate muslims to the radical muslims ? Nowhere.

  8. My Constitution and Bill of Rights gives me the right to say what I want in America 10:51 AM. And I'm just like everyone else commenting on here - why don't the so called good muslims speak out against the destructive ones?

  9. Any who speak against the Quran speaks against Allah and shall be punished.
    And all of that punishment is meted out by men who see themselves as willing, even enthusiastic slaves. Is it no wonder that very, very few speak out against those of them who commit these despicable crimes against humanity, they who might persecute them for speaking?

    Sounds cult-like to me.

  10. so the radical islamists (muslims)attack france and the French stand up and defend themselves. they attack us and we whine and moan and try and make excuses and then we apologize again

  11. And now they are taking over poultry raising on the Delmarva Peninsula!

  12. As soon as it is declared a cult - and no longer a religion, we can get rid of them!

  13. Sorry, I just don't care how they feel anymore.

  14. It is called, "Better Safe, than Sorry". We have to be vigilant, 99% of all Terrorists are Muslims, duh!

  15. Moderate muslims ? NONE.

  16. boo hoo... have any muslims been beheaded yet?

  17. Good for them. Theirs is a religion of hate. If you don't join them, you are the enemy and must be eliminated. We don't need their kind here.

  18. I am a white christian and am threatened by my own government every day
    I am tired of the constant whining by others who get their poor little feelings hurt. it will end up with the start of another christian crusade to stop our own persecution.

  19. Meanwhile Louis Farakhan is preaching for 10,000 whites to be killed for justice. ANy muslims that you know of complaining about that? Yeah didn't think so . Send them back where they came from.

  20. Go back from where you came and herd a goat or two. I don't understand why people stay here if it is so bad.

  21. Utter bigotry, hate and anti-American garbage being spewed by Trump and by most of the fascists posters on this blog today.

    1. Methinks you are in dire need of clarification.


      noun fas·cism \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm

      : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

      : very harsh control or authority


      In other words, Islam is a fascist ideology.

  22. If the non-radical slimes start publicly denouncing what the radicals are doing - it would be a start for them....however, their cult-bible tells them to lie to infidels to further their cause - so how do we know....?!

  23. 3:34 I think killing people that don't think like you, treating woman like animals, raping children etc is hate. Liberal enablers like you are part of the problem. Grow a pair and fight against this evil scourge that will kill your sorry liberal ass in an Allah Akbar moment.

  24. Boo Hoo.....cry me a river! I wonder if the people who were beheaded felt picked on?

  25. You are a coward 4:24; yes you are a coward. There you sit telling others to grow a set all the while trashing the Constitution and Bill of Rights because you are piss your pants scared of Muslims. Tell you what; how bout you get out of your moms basement and go out to the backyard and commence your fight against the evil phantom Islamic invasion. Jeez you are dumb as a stump.

    1. No 4:45 YOU are the coward. Afraid to do what it takes to keep our children safe. Piss your pants scared? No.....we just want our families to be able to go out in thee world without being concerned that some POS muslim will hurt them trying to carry out jihad. No one said deport US citizens who are muslim. The point was to stop them from coming in from other countries until there is some data base that is reasonably reliable to use to vet immigrants. AND we don't need any mass immigration here right now. We don't have enough jobs for Americans. And where is the money coming from to take care of these aholes? I don't want my tax dollars to go to feed a bunch of idiots who have abandoned their own country when we have homeless vets that we don't take care of. Keep your liberal dribble to yourself. Maybe you should go to Syria and take care of them there. Let's see how long you keep your useless head.

  26. 4:45 You really are confused. Where in the constitution or bill of rights does it say to invite the enemy into your country? I will wait for an intelligent response. Please hurry Christmas is coming.

  27. I once had a College instructor from Pakistan when I took a Microsoft Certification Course, who kept missing time from class for Muslim religious holidays.

    Since I paid for this class out of pocket, I and other students in the class filed a complaint for the lost class time.

    At the end of the class, the instructor informed us that he hates Americans and our culture, but has been instructed by the Koran to be kind to your enemies. This was only a year after the world trade towers fell.

    From personal experience, I believe they are not to be trusted. They are not here to be a part of our culture, but to divide us.

    1. Did anyone ask him, why he was here then, and why didn't he leave and go back to Pakistan?

      Sad thing is, the school probably knew by then that he was an Islamist @sshole, but didn't dare let him go for fear of a lawsuit for religious or ethnic discrimination.

  28. hey scum muslims don't just bow to the east in morning prayers, move back there (hope this doesn't hurt your tender feelings)

  29. Their Koran says to kill those who refuse to convert.

  30. Soooooooo go the h*** back to your country. When I see your head all covered up and attending mosque I realize your beliefs have not changed and they certainly aren't our American beliefs so BE GONE please!!!


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