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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Meet Hillary Clinton's New Campaign Weapon — Bill

At a Manchester, N.H., watch party following Saturday's Democratic primary debate, Hillary Clinton stood side by side with the man she called her "not so secret weapon" — her husband, former President Bill Clinton. Voters are about to see much more of him, she said.

"We're going to cover as much ground in New Hampshire as we possibly can," Clinton said. "See as many people, thank everyone who's going to turn out and vote for me to try to get some more to join them."

Bill Clinton said he was "proud" of his wife, and he told New Hampshire voters "we got to be out there every single day" after the New Year.

Family members of candidates are the most valuable validators a politician running for higher office can have. They presumably know the candidate better than anyone. Usually the family member is a child — think Ivanka Trump — or a spouse — a female spouse. This year, voters have seen Donald Trump's wife, Melania, at campaign events. Heidi Cruz is campaigning full throttle for her husband, Ted Cruz. Candy Carson sang the national anthem at a campaign event for her husband, Ben Carson. But on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has a spouse like no other — her husband, otherwise known as former President Bill Clinton.



  1. Hmmm does that mean that we will get to see Monica more as well? Or will there be another mistress on the campaign trail.

  2. Will he bring Monica?

  3. I hope all the women Bill molested come out for Trump or Cruz.

  4. that will never change how i feel about hildabeast
    Again i feel sorry for Bill, but then again I think he just keeps a distance from that witch

  5. If she goes against Trump,he will massacre her with Bill's infidelities.

  6. That is what she is terrified of 12:53. Donald Trump will show her and the world what a pathetic skank she is. Her ugly head is rammed up the butts of men so far it's sickening. She is nothing more than a slave to men and they know it. Any woman worth a damn would have divorced that vulgar thing she's married to in a second the instant the Lewinsky scandal surfaced. By not the pathetic skank. She did what she was told and stayed put. obama seeing what a good all obeying slave to men that she is made her SS for this reason. He knew she would lie and cover for him. She's no role model for women. She's the exact opposite. She just a shell of a women who does whatever a man instructs her to do.

    1. She wouldn't be ANYTHING without Bill. He had the brains and she had the money. She won't get far the cuffs are coming she's just going through the motions.

  7. I want to see these Trump ISIS recruiting videos she talked (lied) about. She is a pathological liar and I can not believe we are surrounded by such horrid filthy dregs who would ever consider voting for such a dishonest person. How low some have sunk. How very low.

  8. Is Bill going to hand out special Cigars?

  9. I really doubt if Monica is going to do anything for the Democrats. The last time she was involved with the Democrats, they left a bad taste in her mouth.


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