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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Man found with sub machine gun in Baltimore City

BALTIMORE —Baltimore police arrested a man Friday after conducting an investigation on illegal guns on the streets.

According to police, the investigation led them to a home in the 3200 block of Howard Park Avenue.

Authorities arrested Troy Green, 44, and seized a sub machine gun, a loaded handgun and a large quantity of ammunition.



  1. aren't they illegal ? I can't believe he did not obey the gun law.

  2. Not illegal unless converted to full auto.

    1. Not illegal? Try to buy one in a gun store in Maryland. Not happening.

  3. He had it in a briefcase with his clock, all is fine and innocent.

  4. 1258 Uzi was baned under Omally.

  5. Banned for sale not to own. They did not come and confiscate them. I can acquire one in another state legally and bring it my home in MD.

    1. Wrong. If you don't believe me call the state police and tell them you purchased a gun another state and brought to Maryland. You will get a knock at your door.

  6. 500 all guns purchased outside of Maryland have to be registered in Maryland before you can bring it to your home... Yes you can own uzi or ar if purchased prior to ban.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Not illegal unless converted to full auto.

    December 7, 2015 at 1:38 PM

    full auto is legal if you pay the money for the tax stamp, but you have to buy machine gun already in circulation as none were allowed after the ban in 1934? Not sure about the year

  8. There were probably 20 other sub machine guns within that block. Come on its Baltimore.

  9. So if I am a legal resident of VA and buy an uzi, I can't bring it to my home in MD? I can't bring my AR-15 or AK47 to my farm in MD and shoot them either? Some people have residences in more than one state and it only takes getting a new license and registering to vote to change residency. Sometimes having money means being able to do things other can't.

    6:27 Only a fool would do that and that uzi I bought, I've had for 15 years. Prove otherwise if it is a private sale.

    1. 735. You trying to engage in conflicting talk. But what the hell. Your primary residence is where the gun is registered. Not multiple locations. I don't believe you are traveling state to state target practicing bc that is just dumb. And yes serial numbers on that POS cumbersome 9 mm Uzi will be traced... Your not anonymous just bc you clicked on it. Think before you type. Who is the fool? Your welcome.

  10. 5:00 pm stay anonymous

  11. 735 you are as clueless as the man in the picture. Ha.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Banned for sale not to own. They did not come and confiscate them. I can acquire one in another state legally and bring it my home in MD.

    December 7, 2015 at 5:00 PM

    No you can not, unless perhaps you have a FFL. Otherwise you may purchase one in another state but the seller would by law have to send it to a FFL in your state and then you could pick it up after paying the fees.


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