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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Man Confronts Couple About Welfare Card......Right or Wrong? (Language Warning)

Man Confronts Couple About Welfare CardThe Philly Offensive(Person filming this video is NOT me.)Lil CrazedMineSet Brand
Posted by Lil Crazed on Tuesday, December 1, 2015
If video does not load click on the title of this post.


  1. My money (as a taxpayer)!

  2. I commend this man. Far too often I see people use their"cash assistance" card at Giant, then walk next door to use cash for beer/liquor. NTM an acquaintance of my husbands was fraudulently getting cash assistance. His daughter hasn't lived with him for 2 years. She got a job at 16 while living with her bf. She got laid off and went to get unemployment. He had the audacity to get mad cuz his EBT card was cancelled.

  3. Steak's for taxpayers! LOVE IT! I work 5-6 days a week and can't afford steak for my family!

  4. that is SO wrong. It's hard to believe this is real as he committed theft and seriously needs his ass kicked. he has no idea where they got any cash, he is just ASSuming whatever it is he is thinking. and moron commenters on here just go with whatever they are told without knowing any fact either.

    people can be led and manipulated so easily, especially if it fits their agendas or biased ways of thinking. he sounds young so that to me means he doesn't know a whole lot himself and probably hasn't been working too long himself.

    then he insults the woman? and the guy didn't defend her? that is a disgrace. and I just gotta say, let him go make a video of a black family in these same circumstances, which of course he will not do.

    Like I said, I don't believe this is real, but if I was on welfare and someone had the nerve to do such bs as this, one of us would be going to the hospital.

    and such classy comments from you numbnuts. I tip my hat to you. You are some real heroes.

  5. Typical welfare scumbags!

  6. At some point we all reach a breaking point. When over half of our income goes to taxes to pay for losers that have found their way to abuse the system it makes me very upset too! But I don't have the nerve to confront them. I also noticed they are driving a Lexus.

  7. The video is fake. The "Welfare" users volunteered to be in the viral star's video. He had to clarify it was fake to avoid death threats.

  8. I was in Giant about a year ago, and a guy came up to me in the produce department - asked me if I wanted to buy some food stamps (or whatever they call it now) from him. I told him I already bought the damn things once and wasn't going to buy them again. He didn't get it either. I looked him in the eye and repeated myself twice, slowly. He never understood what I was getting at. Most of these idiots think all their government handouts are actually "free". I'm not against assistance (temporarily) for anybody who is going through a rough spell, as long as they're trying, but I really think MOST are making a lifetime career out of living off a system that WE are foolish enough to support, and that's a huge part of what's putting this country in the toilet. I don't know whether the video is staged or not, but it really doesn't matter. We all know this goes on every day all over the country.

  9. I see it ALL the time for years. Look at the car they are in. Better than mine. Yet we continue to vote the likes of cardin,hoyer,milkuski,Cummings all these useless democrats.

  10. He got real brave with the white typicals. If he had so much as cursed at my wife i'd have broke every window in his car and his jaw if needed. Don't get it misconstrued your antipathy for the government won't stop you from receiving a ghetto beatdown.


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