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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Last Chance: Will Mitt Romney Jump Into the Presidential Race?

The Republican establishment and its power brokers are starting to panic about the likelihood of Donald Trump winning the presidential nomination, and even the respected Club for Growth is now running ads against Trump. It is not so much Trump’s over-the-top statements that bother them, but the fact he could lose to Hillary Clinton. In general election polls, Trump is losing by as much as double digits to her, in contrast to a couple of the other Republican candidates who are tied or ahead of her. Many large donors have stayed out of the race, too unsure of the outcome. Notably, they include many of Mitt Romney’s 2012 National Finance Committee members.

The top brass in the GOP is now seriously talking about alternative possibilities to stop Trump — as well as Ben Carson, who is also seen as an outsider incapable of winning the general election. Some are even suggesting a brokered convention, to change the nomination to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, or even Romney. While brokered conventions are rare, they can be radical game changers. In 1968, the Democrat Party picked Hubert Humphrey as their nominee at a brokered convention, even though he had not participated in the primaries.

A brokered convention is triggered if no candidate gets a majority of delegates from the state primaries, and the delegates cannot settle on one candidate after the first round of voting at the convention. After that, delegates are free to vote for any candidate in further rounds of voting.

Even if one candidate gets enough delegates from the primaries, if enough unpledged delegates are pressured to vote for someone else in the first round of voting, it could trigger a brokered convention. Of the total 2,380 Republican delegates, 1,719 are pledged delegates. The unpledged delegates have close ties to the GOP, so it is quite realistic they could be persuaded to change their votes to someone other than Trump.



  1. It won't take a lot more to push me to becoming registered at INDEPENDENT. Let all these elite bastards vote for themselves while we take care of ourselves.

  2. I made that mistake.

  3. Where are these idiots getting their polls from? How stupid do they think we are?

    They must be depending on MSNBC for their news...

  4. Bigotry a failing a recipe? Who would have thought? Rand Paul gets the nomination or you will lose to Sanders or Clinton. You can be a doubtful Thomas if you care to. It isn't about just the message someone conveys. Nominating someone that only Caucasian conservatives would have a conversation with is going to net you another loss. Rand Paul is a likeable guy and for any liberal that loves his guns and constitution he is the only one i'd vote for. Jeb seems nice but unfortunately for him his last name has guaranteed national politics are a deadzone for him. I really don't want a President Clinton because of my love for firearms so i'll have to vote for Sanders. If Trump and Clinton are the finals rest assured i'll vote Clinton over the bigot.


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