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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Keeping Our Feet To The Fire

It may have been cold for most people last night but we were toasty warm sitting by this incredible fire. 

We'd like to know, when is the last time you burned or sat by a fire outdoors?


  1. I burn one outside regularly because my wife won't let me smoke pot in the house.

  2. Was in Baltimore recently. Fires everywhere.

  3. Would love to do this but allergic to the smoke and start wheezing and just isn't worth the breathing problems, but would like doing it.

  4. Just did it last week. We live in west ocean city and the weather has been so mild. We have a huge iron fire pit and use it through Christmas.

  5. I can't remember the last time if ever, that I sat outside by a fire but we do have a fire going in our inside fireplace just about every evening. I can say though that there is nothing like stargazing esp in the winter and a sitting by a warm fire and doing it would be heavenly.

  6. The last time I started a fire (in my brand new fire pit) the kids still were glued to their stupid cell phones throughout the event.Be thankful you have a family that appreciates the finer things in life.


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