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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Is Big Pharma Influencing Your Doctor?

You trust your doctor, right? But should you? "Most patients look up to the men and women in white coats as close to gods," says Dr. Erika Schwartz. "Every patient wants to believe that his or her doctor, who spent decades absorbing masses of knowledge about the human body, is here to administer their miracle cure.

"Nothing could be further from the truth," Dr. Schwartz tells Newsmax Health.

"Your doctor may be a bought man or woman, and owe more allegiance to the pharmaceutical industry than to you," says Dr. Schwartz, author of "Don't Let Your Doctor Kill You."

"Unfortunately, most doctors define success by how much money they make, how quickly they can perform a procedure, or how many publications carry their names, rather than by how connected, caring, and profound their relationships with their patients are," says Dr. Schwartz, chief medical officer at the Age Management Institute in New York City.



  1. Thanks to obamacare and the new sunshine laws every patient can see exactly how much money their doctors get from drug companies. Go to dollars for docs type in your doctor's name and the state he practices in and you be shocked. One good thing to come out of obamacare. Sunshine Laws look them up!

  2. Pharmaceutical companies have plenty of lobbyists in DC. And doctors also make $$$ prescribing drugs that only may help with symptom relief only. The root problem is still there plus new symptoms from the man-made chemicals we're putting in our bodies.


  3. Is this done to the Superior minds as well as the Inferior minds? I don't see how these Superior minds always seem to be getting screwed like the Inferior minds. OH WELL,it is Friday.

  4. 6:24 Don't give credit to Obama or Obamacare for the Physicians Payment Sunshine Act. It is NOT part of the Affordable Care Act and was actually introduced by Sen Charles Grassley a REPUBLICAN in 2007 when George W Bush was president. The obstructionists regressives a,k.a. democrats held it up until 2010 when for some reason they decided oh this might be a good (after watering it down to practically uselessness) idea and have taken credit for it claiming it was part of Obamacare. This should not surprise anyone given that all democrats are liars.
    Just an FYI the bill had to be so watered down in order for the democrats to pass it that it really is useless as it only covers drugs, medical supplies, etc covered under Medicaid, Medicare and the Children's Health Insurance Program (all fed programs) to report.

  5. How many times do you go see the doctor only to have them write a prescription for some new on the market medicine that the insurance company won't cover anyway?

  6. Tonya cares about her patients, but she is just a CNP


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