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Saturday, December 12, 2015

How A Conservative Congressman Ended Up On The Terrorist No-Fly List

Republican Rep. Tom McClintock of Elk Grove, a liberty-minded conservative and staunch defender of gun rights, took to the House floor Thursday to warn the nation about the perils of strict firearms legislation, offering that “the most effective defense against an armed terrorist is an armed American.”

McClintock, delivering his remarks as many lawmakers across the country seized on the recent mass shooting in San Bernardino to renew their push for tougher laws, said that if just one person in the room had been able to return fire, “many innocent lives could have been saved.”

“But Californians are subject to the most restrictive gun laws in the country, making it very difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment right to defend themselves,” he said. “And in a society denied its right of self-defense, the gunman is king.”


Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article49066450.html#storylink=cpy


  1. This guy and Steve Hayes.. both conservatives who have p***ed off the administration.
    The IRS is one tool the WH uses.
    This may be another. It took Hayes forever to get off the list.

  2. Just wait until obama bin laden makes the people on watch list not able to have or buy guns, in which anything you do or say will and probably has you on the no fly list...

    There will be total confiscation coming, why else would they do all of this? You can't stop someone who is perfectly sane and is abiding by the laws, then goes crazy off of some drug the govt gave him and then say more background checks are needed to stop this... That is a bunch of horse shit... A background check can't stop or find a perfect sane law abiding citizen...


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