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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Homosexual Group Demands Christian Colleges Apologize for Christian Ideals

What good is supposed religious freedom if that freedom to worship is subject to approval from a secular government that remains incredibly hostile to organized religion? Our First Amendment protects several integral rights, but what good are they if they are only subject to the approval of government?

Though Americans are forced to endure a never-ending national discussion about the supposed righteousness of homosexual-related issues, there remains shockingly little discussion about the outright persecution of Christians who seek to cling to certain static moral truths. Though it would seem to be commonsense for a Christian business owner to politely refuse business that runs contrary to his religious beliefs, the Obama Administration’s radical DOJ has made it clear that they intend to persecute and prosecute any and all who dare exercise their First Amendment rights.



  1. If you're waiting for an apology...hold your breath. Not don't hold your breath; hold your breath. We have Rights to our Religious beliefs and we have rights to speak out!!! Get it.

  2. There's an anger brewing from a certain type of Christian the same type of Christian God called on for the crusades.

  3. Let the crusades begin We are ready.....

  4. I'm ready also. They had to be beat back in the Middle ages before they took over Europe, looks like history is repeating itself.

  5. oh here go the internet rambo's again. you nuts won't do nothing. if you were this country wouldn't be in the shape it is in now.


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