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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hogan Administration to Invest More than $11 Million to Help Revitalize Downtowns, Strengthen Communities

New Carrollton, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today announced the award of more than $11 million to local jurisdictions through three of the state’s most effective job creation and neighborhood revitalization programs – Community Legacy, the Strategic Demolition fundand the Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative.

“My administration is committed to revitalizing Maryland’s older communities,” Governor Larry Hogan said. “These grants will help local communities make necessary improvements while paving the way for additional public and private investments in their neighborhoods and along their streets.”

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Kenneth C. Holt added, “The Hogan administration is committed to providing restoration and operational capital to those older communities across Maryland whose infrastructure requires immediate attention and repair. We will rely on community leaders and organizations to indicate their most pressing needs and we will respond with quick and effective support.”

The Community Legacy program provides local governments and community development organizations with resources for essential projects aimed at strengthening communities through activities such as business retention and attraction, encouraging homeownership and commercial revitalization. Fifty-five projects in 19 counties and Baltimore City received a total of $6 million in Community Legacy grants in fiscal year 2016.

The Strategic Demolition fund is aimed at providing a catalyst to projects that accelerate economic development and job production in Maryland’s sustainable communities. Funding provides assistance for critical pre-development activities such as demolition and land assembly in order to attract needed public and private investment to revitalization projects. The administration is awarding $2.075 million to nine projects.

The Baltimore Regional Neighborhoods Initiative is aimed at bringing back the vitality and increasing the ability of older neighborhoods to attract new homeowners and businesses. The awards will advance the comprehensive revitalization plans and strategic partnerships put in place by local neighborhood leaders and stakeholders. The awards of over $3 million for fiscal year 2016 will leverage an estimated $49 million in public, private and philanthropic investments.



  1. Where is the State of Maryland going to get the $11 million? The State has no money of its own, only what they seize from us.

  2. Nothing will change until the people living there change and start giving a damn.

  3. WICOMICO COUNTY – $50,000

    Awardee: City of Salisbury

    Amount: $50,000

    Project: Salisbury Neighborhood Intervention Program

    Description: Purchase dilapidated houses and demolish if rehabilitation is not cost effective.

  4. They will never care when it is given to them without them earning it.

  5. 50k out of 11 million = .0045% Hogan really looking out for the eastern shore republican alright

  6. 50 grand buys maybe two properties along with the cost of demo.... that's if your lucky.
    Salisbury must have a law on the books stating that you cannot leave a property vacant or condemned for an extended amount of time untouched. Have the fire dept burn it down and return to green space. Detroit is doing it and the economy is coming back.

  7. Why waste the money in Salisbury? Look how many properties have been occupied by section 8 tenants and roached out. So what, build more? Driven down West Road lately?


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