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Sunday, December 06, 2015

Happy Hanukkah!


  1. Beautiful holiday, so much happiness to my Jewish friends!

  2. Yes,, happy hannukah to a genuine "religion f peace".

  3. Wherever I stand, I stand with Israel.

    May this Festival of Lights bring blessings upon you and all your loved ones for health and happiness.

  4. Didn't the Jews kill Jesus?

  5. Yep 10:27 but He forgave them and if you still hold that against them they you pal have some very serious problems. Yes, some VERY serious problems that you need to address before trying to start something. Refer to the New Testament for guidance.

  6. Yet you people (10:53) hold the acts of some bad muslims against the 1.6 billion other muslims in the world......

  7. Yes Rolex of course. It's not like it's rocket science or anything. It is the only "religion" in the whole world that is still murdering "nonbeliever" and other "infidels." Only a fool would not be suspicious. They have proven by the actions of their fellow Muslims that they are a group in which they have to work harder than others to gain the trust of people. And don't even pretend that you are some self righteous all accepting person and don't stereotype because I bet you wouldn't take a walk in the "hood" section of a city at night by yourself and not be even a little bit nervous.

  8. Romans killed Jesus.

    Doesn't matter who, though.

    Came to die for our sins, remember?

    Wow, way to turn a simple wish for a happy holiday into something ugly.


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