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Monday, December 07, 2015



  1. Liberals will run to canada ,
    Google Islamburg ny.

  2. This isn't some piss-ant 3rd world country. Put ISIS on the ground and the spirit of the Minuteman will teach them what a fight with real men is like.

  3. 9:15 Only if our government doesn't expect us to follow the crippling "rules of engagement" that prevent our military from taking advantage of opportunities to wipe out our enemies and their cohorts, where ever they lurk.

    We'd be arrested for "assaulting" or "murdering" the invading jihadis, unless we all repudiated the current system of government in order to take up arms as a "well-regulated militia". Bad idea, anarchy is just what the sand-neighbors want; it creates a power void, a vacuum, in which they can easily seize power.

    So we can only hope whoever is in the White House when it happens, realizes and trusts the power of the greater will of The People, United, in Allah we Distrust, to fight the enemy as we see them.

  4. Our young people have been taught "Conflict resolution", which is sitting down and talking, they will sit down and have their heads cut off!

  5. And above all 'IN GOD WE TRUST'

  6. I think some will fight and some will not. I think some will die and some will not.

  7. Claudia Balzac ,
    Well now lady , I guess we can all make excuses not to fight. Just what the hell would you do ? Hide under the bed !
    Please study your history , the only way to stop these murderers is to terminate them , kill them , whatever you want to call it .
    I love my country and will fight AGAIN so you can make stupid comments . However , I do realize you are scared to death , just suck it up, by a gun , get lots of ammo , if you want to remain free .
    It's not coming to our soil , it is here. Please wake up!
    I will fight , crush and destroy the enemy . 2nd infantry division recon . platoon 38th battalion.

  8. not to worry, Claudia. In this war, there will be no rules of engagement.

  9. we will do whatever Obama tells us to do, just like we did the last 2 elections, we are outnumbered by democrats and muslims, they make a wonderful team

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    we will do whatever Obama tells us to do, just like we did the last 2 elections, we are outnumbered by democrats and muslims, they make a wonderful team

    December 8, 2015 at 6:15 PM

    speak for youself


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