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Saturday, December 12, 2015

'Disrespectful' American flag photo banned from yearbook

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. —A Massachusetts woman’s Facebook post about her daughter’s high school refusing to allow a photo of her in the yearbook, because she is standing with an American flag, has gone viral.

But the school says that’s not the reason they won’t include it.

Lisa Traux said her daughter’s employer bought a page in her yearbook to congratulate her on her hard work, but when school officials saw the photo of Morgan Truax, 18, showing her patriotism, they told her they were uncomfortable with the American flag in the background.

“Does anyone find this photo offensive? Apparently, Foxborough High School finds it offensive,” Lisa Truax’s post said. “They won’t allow the picture in the yearbook, because it’s the American flag. We are American! We live in America! OMG, what is this country coming to?”



  1. All businesses should pull their support and request a refund from the school.

  2. She's standing on the flag, that is disrespectful.

  3. There are two things wrong with this picture:
    1. When the flag is displayed in a vertical manner, the blue field of stars should always be in the upper left as viewed by the audience. In this instance it is in the upper right indicating that neither the girl nor photographer know anything about flag protocol or they don't care.

    2. And more importantly, she is obviously standing on the flag, a massive sign of disrespect that should never happen. If these two items were corrected, then the school should have no problem with the flag being in the photo. If they do, then they should quit their taxpayer funded jobs at once!

  4. Our nation's official flag is seen on public and private properties everywhere because this is the United States of America!!! People have taken this politically correct crap too far!!! Show your patriotism and wear patriotic colors and emblems whenever you leave your home!

  5. 50% of you didn't read the article.

  6. It offends me that anyone can be offended by this. What's happened in this country? If our flag is so offensive, I suggest you move out of here & find one that isn't.

  7. 6:45 is right.
    Either display the flag correctly or don't display it at all.


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