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Friday, December 11, 2015

Cruz: Obama ‘More Interested in Promoting Homosexuality in the Military Than Defeating Our Enemy’

Morale in the U.S. military has “plummeted” in recent years because President Barack Obama “doesn’t support our soldiers,” won’t even name the enemy “radical Islamic terrorism,” and is “more interested in promoting homosexuality in the military” than in “defeating our enemy,” said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

During a conference call with Bishop E.W. Jackson of the National Emergency Coalition (NEC), Senator Cruz said, “You look at the military and one of the things we’ve seen is morale in the military under the Obama administration has plummeted, and it has plummeted because you have a commander-in-chief that doesn’t support our soldiers and sailors and airmen and Marines."

“You have a commander-in-chief that doesn’t stand up against our enemies, that won’t even acknowledge or say the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’” said Cruz. “And you have a commander-in-chief that treats the military as a cauldron for social experimentation.”

“He’s more interested in promoting homosexuality in the military than he is in defeating our enemy,” said the senator.

“So, for example,” he added, “the military is now focused on trying to promote transgender soldiers. The role of the military is not to be some left-wing social experiment.”

Read more here


  1. You know the enemy is going to love facing combat troops comprised of women, homos and trannies. We are the laughing stock of the world thanks to our wonderful commander in chief.

  2. Because Obama is attracted to men in uniform.

  3. In July, Army Times reported that 80% of the military hated the Idiot Muslim, called "Commander in Chief", in most countries, when the military is against the leader, they host a coup.

  4. All the guys that I know have become disenfranchised and either quit or are combating put upon them "PTSD" from deciding that the idiot in charge who promised them that they would be defending freedom made them into foreign terrorists instead.

    These guys joined with Patriotism to the Constitution in mind, but found they were just being used as pawns in a losing, invasive, and terroristic effort.

    But that's just the 14 local military I know. I know none with a differing opinion.

  5. Those are some of the guys (those 14) who will be very important.
    Also known by our "leaders" as "potential terrorists".
    Can you imagine what the American public would have said if Truman had expressed that opinion in 1946?
    My, my, my....how the wheels have turned, huh?
    Awwww, yeah, boys, keep cheering....


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