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Monday, December 21, 2015

Courts are forcing marijuana users to get drug treatment they probably don’t need

Opponents of marijuana legalization often cite the "skyrocketing" number of people seeking treatment for marijuana addiction in their arguments. Project SAM, the nation's leading anti-legalization group, notes with some alarm that "data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that in 1993, marijuana comprised approximately 8 percent of ALL treatment admissions, but by 2009 that number had increased to 18 percent."

But new data out this month from the Department of Health and Human Services provides some important context behind those numbers. In 2013, more than half of marijuana users in treatment were sent there by the courts or the criminal justice system. That's more than the share of court-ordered referrals for any other drug, including far more deadly ones like alcohol and heroin.



  1. There is HUGE money to be made in "counseling programs" and "treatment programs". AND, they are owned and operated by people who donated BIB money to the right person.
    It has NOTHING to do with treatment. It has everything to do with making some politician's brother-in-law rich.
    Now, these fake statistics (13%!!!) will be used as "evidence" that there's an out-of-control marijuana overdose epidemic.
    Probably going to need some Nazi "checkpoints" to stop it.
    Start thinking for yourselves and quit falling for every piece of propaganda and scary boogeymen your leaders push on you.
    Want something scary? try this --- REPUBLICANS just passed an almost TWO TRILLION dollar budget! And they didn't even know what was in it!
    Because they don't give a crap.
    Democrats and Republicans are THE SAME MONSTER, playing you like an old deck of cards.
    Repeal obamacare, huh? They just gave it a billion dollar boost!
    Keep cheering.

  2. Far more deadly than alcohol or heroin?

    Really? I have never met a pot head that wasn't brain dead

    1. You know far more pot smokers than you'd ever guess.

  3. 5:49.....you should try a new set of friends.
    Let's see....Presidents, Congressmen, judges, astrophysicists, architects, cops, teachers, professors, etc., have all admitted smoking pot.
    I'm betting that most of them are smarter than you.
    Keep parroting the lines they give you.
    Keep cheering.

  4. There is a difference between using and abusing. Abusers of pot can be brain dead just like abusers of alcohol. The occasional joint/drink is not a problem.


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