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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Churches To Provide Shelter To Illegal Immigrants

Fifty churches throughout the U.S. have said they will shelter illegal immigrants seeking sanctuary from upcoming raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The Sanctuary movement, a political and religious group that works to protect those who illegally entered the U.S. to escape violence and economic instability in Central America, said over the weekend that its network of congregations will welcome any individual who fears he or she will be re-targeted for deportation.

The announcement came after a report that the Department of Homeland Security's immigration wing ICE was planning a January crackdown on individuals who had previously evaded deportation.



  1. But, you people won't provide shelter to the American homeless. This country won't help it's own but sure will help those whose intention are to kill Americans.This country is doomed. And, today's churches is the devil's domain.

  2. And I'm sure this is just fine with the left.
    But let them refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding..

  3. can I get deported to northern canada

  4. Agree with 9:20am. We need to take care of our own, before taking in others.

  5. We never helped the ninth ward in Louisiana yet we can help everyone else. Get our own people out of FEMA trailers etc following Katrina !


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