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Monday, December 07, 2015

Breaking News: Terror couple's bombs were set to kill first responders

Bombs left at a Southern California social services facility by the gun-wielding radical Muslim couple who killed 14 and wounded 21 were set to go off when first responders arrived, Fox News learned on Monday, in a vicious strategy often seen in the Middle East.

None of the pipe bombs left at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino by Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik in Wednesday's attack detonated, but the technique has investigators very concerned, sources told Fox News.

"This was meant to kill more, but also scare other future responders to attacks," a source with inside knowledge of the investigation said. "This was meant to get into the minds of medics and officers who are arriving first on scene."

It remains unclear why the bombs did not detonate. It could have been water from the sprinklers or a malfunction with remote control devices, according to investigators.



  1. But Obama wants to take away our guns! Funny how he never mentioned BOMBS in his speech, all of which can be made right out of your local Home Depot or Lowe's store. How convenient. Will we have Bomb Free Zones next?

  2. Joe that's because it's really about disarming us to go into phase two of their demonic plot. This is bigger than Obama and the rest of the clowns.

    1. Disarm citizens
      Abuse the constitution
      Pro islam
      Anti American
      Take away the confederate flag
      Anti white
      Anti cop
      Pro thug
      Pro felons
      Open boarders
      No fly list ck from Saudis countrys.

  3. This is the most obvious reason that carry permits should be freely distributed. Heck, just let the Second Amendment live! We can stop this crap.

    1. I will carry period what jury is going to convict me if i kill a terrorist? Nobody. Judged by 12 other than carried by 6.

    2. You will serve along time for carrying without a permit when you're caught on a simple traffic stop. I guarantee that.

  4. The communist manifesto is an interesting 100 page read with what's going on this country. We are more communist "leaning" than Russia by far!!!


  5. You just can't fix stupid!!!!!!!


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