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Sunday, December 06, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: The suspects involved in the #SanBernardino shooting have been identified

BREAKING NEWS: The suspects involved in the #SanBernardino shooting have been identified as Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, according to Police Chief Jarrod Burguan. http://fxn.ws/1XIQQD1
Posted by Fox News on Wednesday, December 2, 2015


  1. Apparently he was there initially, before leaving and coming back, fully armed and kitted out.

    These holiday "Ugly Christmas Sweater" parties shouldn't be taken so seriously, folks.

  2. Farook worked for the town's health department. Wonder if the other did too. Kudos to the Muslim community of the area for denouncing this "horrific" act. Could also be that this was employment motivated, rather than what everyone tends to assume.

    1. C.A.IR is a terrorist sympathizer group wake up idiot.

    2. AND a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood which have been determined to be a terrorist supporting organization

  3. Why are media not allowed to say terrorist ? Is that like the "N" word?

  4. Muslims , I presume.

  5. They still haven't ruled out they were terrorist , then WTF were they , oh I know mad muslims . The muslim community said they were so sad this happened , so all is well , no problem. The media has pulled the wool over your eyes again. Just get rid of the guns in America , problem solved. People don't kill people , the dirty rotten guns do it , damn ole guns at it again , shoot all the guns or stab them.

  6. Maybe we need some opinions , does anyone think that this was an act of terrorism by muslims?

    I'll start this off by saying "YES".

  7. 5:35 AM, sure it was but media is afraid to say so.

  8. Just another work place violence event like at Fort Hood

  9. OF course they're terrorists. Does anyone believe their arrival & actions were anything but?

  10. Terrorism or workplace violence, it really doesn't matter. This is how Muslims handle problems. They were well equipped and trained.

  11. This is just the beginning, i have been warning people this was going to happen especially with a muslim sympathizer in the WH.

  12. multiple people is not an active shooter situation. Its a terrorist plan to kill Americans. I don't believe for one second that multiple shooters follows the narrative of the loan pilled up gunman becasue its not the same thing. Multiple people suggest an ideological reason for the action. Most people that lose their marbles and decide to do things like this do it alone.

    This was a terrorist attack. And all I want is the right to carry a gun.

  13. yeah he got pissed at work and just happened to have camo, assault weapons, pipe bombs at home. that dang climate change again

  14. See something say something !!! Time to Profile

  15. and keep in mind there is a isis training camp 31 miles away in Oak Hills Ca. related or not it is there

    1. Why has Obama allowed this to remain open?

  16. Not Smith or Jones - and not from Cleveland or Kansas City!

    Every slime should be watched by someone!

  17. They went in and killed people because it was a CHRISTMAS PARTY cnn and msnbc ate spinning this.

  18. Oh yea it's perfectly normal to have an arsenal of pipe bombs too.

  19. Their home was an IED facility - terrorist written all over this, they murdered 14 people in cold blood and all Hillary and company want to say is we need gun control. BS, BS, BS - we need gun control like we need for Hillary to be President, NOT!!

  20. Will one of the nutless Republican options for president PLEASE take the lead here. Trump is close, but this needs to go further. Fence the boarder. Vet every single habibi sand rat in the states. It if smells bad throw it over the fence. Run on a platform that is hawkish. ISIS after I win this election we are coming over to your sand dune and paving that crap. We are putting a Wal-Mart in every village and a Slurpee machine in every tent. Toe the line or its bacon, pork chops, and ribs only for dinner. You want Jihad, I'm gonna bring it. You can thank Allah for that. One of these cowards needs to buck up and spell it out. There will be no America left with four more years of tolerance and political correctness. I'm a registered Dem for 40 years. You got my vote if any of you got a pair. Locked and loaded.


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