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Sunday, December 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Mistrial Declared On All Charges in Porter Trial

A mistrial was declared Wednesday on all charges in the trial of Officer William Porter.

The jury could not come to an agreement on any of the four charges facing Porter, the first of six Baltimore officers to face charges in the death of Freddie Gray. Porter was charged with involuntary manslaughter, second degree assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby was in the packed courtroom when the mistrial was declared by Judge Barry Williams.

The jury first indicated Tuesday they were deadlocked, but Williams told them to continue deliberations.



  1. This should send a very strong message to Mosby and the black lives matter crowd. WE will not stand for their nonsense! Just because THEY have no morals some of US still do and HTEY all have worn out their welcome. They need to go back to their cess pool war zone neighobhoods of their own creations and shut up and stay there. They have NO place in civilized society. Civilized society does NOT ever take up for a worthless druggie thug! If they burn their neighborhoods down so be it. They deserve to live in the cess pool. I only feel sorry for the cockroaches that inhabit the place because it's not human beings who live there. It's trash.

  2. not told specifics on jury split. previously told it wouldn't be revealed if it came to this

  3. "We want justice but don't want to lock up a brother."

  4. The "protesters" are coming out of the woodwork. At this point I could care less what they do. Destroy the whole place for all I care. I don't feel sorry for anyone who lives there. They grew it now they can deal with the consequences. It's been known since the 60's and earlier what these people are capable of. They are inherently violent and can't be in groups because they have no impulse control. Anyone who choose to make that potentially explosive atmosphere home shouldn't be one bit surprised.

  5. 3:46 is exactly right. God will not allow those evil, wicked, sinful and lying people (Mosby and BLM people) to overcome what is good. His hand is on the 6 officers and they will continue to be blessed by Him. He will send people to be jurors who are honest and will do what is right. God's hand will be in this every step of the way. He won't allow the devil to continue on with his work.

  6. Prepare for ludicrous rioting!

    And the mayor will let them again.....

  7. The countdown for the looting and burning begins in 10, 9, 8,

  8. I am perfectly Ok with him getting off because this is what I prayed for and it is correct. I hope he gets his job and benefits back.

    Now on the other hand if this was a white cop he would be sentenced to jail already already.

  9. Good news! Congrats Officer Porter! Pray this is the end of your troubles.

  10. To quote the infamous H Rap Brown ( of fame in 67' Cambridge riots)

  11. 3:46 PM

    you are wrong. but go ahead and vent your hate. cooler minds will prevail and those cops will get whatever they deserve

  12. The trial of Officer Porter was notable for a lack of State’s evidence, other than speculation by the medical examiner, and a wealth of defense testimony that not only generated enormous reasonable doubt but also suggested that if anything Porter had gone above and beyond his duty in dealing with Gray.
    This is a good result as it sends a very strong message. It shows that jurors could not be intimidated, regardless of how outrageous the pressure put on them.

    Now the prosecutors have to decided if they want to spend the various forms of capital available to them with another trial.

    Proud of the strong jurors who would not "compromise"!

  13. 5:10 not "hate" at all. It's the facts something you people can't stand. You people hate the truth, don't believe in telling the truth and that is your major difficulty. When someone tells you the way it is instead of what you want to hear it burns you up. I have your number. Honesty is the basic pillar of a civil society and it's lost in some neighborhoods and that is why the youth are killing each other left and right. You should be ashamed of yourself but you people have no morals so shame isn't in your emotions. No go away you nasty degenerate. Anyone who takes up for a criminal like FG is beneath me and not worthy of a second more of my time.


  14. We see another round of motions for a change in venue or to throw out the case altogether for lack of evidence.
    It would seem that the jury pool in Baltimore has only been further tainted by this trial and the protests and media coverage around it.

    I see it hard to get anything other than a hung jury in Baltimore. Out of the 12, you just need 1 juror who genuinely carries out their duty to decide based on facts and 1juror who is there to deliver “social justice”, facts be damned, to ensure a hung jury no matter what the other 10 jurors believe.

  15. Retrial all the way. Mosby is too stupid to back down. She is unethical enough to realize (and argue) the case must be tried in Baltimore to have any chance of conviction. See is fortunate to have this equally unethical judge (no change of venue — let’s compromise) on her team. Look for him to exclude any juror who might have the slightest inclination of acquitting (such as whites) at the next trial.

  16. Strange the judge is refusing to release the breakdown. Makes you think there was only 1 or 2 holdouts for guilty otherwise they would be broadcasting how they almost got it as in conviction. This does send a strong message. Some people in Baltimore are either too stupid to comprehend that the state did not prove it's case or it proves the juror has an agenda.

  17. They just showed the "mother" of Gray on TV. She's gross. Never worked a day in her life. Didn't know how to work but knew how to spread those legs, make babies and shoot that heroin.
    Unfortunately there are millions of other FG "mothers." They send shivers up my spine they are so gross.

  18. I have channel 11 out of Baltimore on. They are getting all riled up. They will be rioting in no time. They have no control over themselves this is why they shoot each other so much like they do.

  19. A day doesn't go by in Baltimore that they aren't holding a "vigil" for some murder victim as if divine intervention is going to help them or something. It's not. The ONLY thing that is going to help them is for them to become personally responsible. This means STOP having illegitimate children with useless males. All these babies born have both a mother and a father who can't take care of themselves much less a baby. And most are criminals and they hang out with criminals. I can't fathom that they themselves haven't figured this out yet. This is the major cause of poverty. Drugs are another thing. Don't do drugs. It's not rocket science. Nothing ever good comes from them. Go to school. Don't hang in the streets. The solutions are very simple, but it's that we are dealing with a people who only want to blame others. They have difficulties with taking personal responsibility as that takes too much effort and it's easier to blame others. They will never dig themselves out of the holes they've dug for themselves until they admit they've screwed up royally.

  20. Stocking stuffers free in Charm City tonight

  21. My hope is that one of the holdout guilty jurors leaks the breakdown info to the media. They can't be the least bit intelligent if they thought the officer was guilty so they might just think they can get away with leaking this info.

  22. Our government, salvation army, welfare, food stamps, electric and heating assistance, cell phones, cash assistance, all these hand outs add to it, dont lift a finger somebody else will pay your way, they live it everyday

  23. I agree 6:59. I refuse to give to any organization that supports these people. I give to animal causes. I'm done with enabling these losers. It's not my problem is their illegitimate kids get nothing for Christmas or is hungry. They had no problem making the baby let them pay for it or let them starve. No loss. The kid is just going to grow up to be a problem and a criminal anyway. Very few of them go on to become a productive member of society. That's a fact. The only good is they give people jobs who work in the prison systems.

  24. Well said 726, I dont support giving their kids gifts either! All of it enables them.

    1. They can use mentoring, guidance, and role models a whole lot more than free gifts, anyhow.

  25. Another cop gets away with murder...smh!

  26. Funny Whites will never vote for that crazy thing and now nor will the Blacks adios Mosby. Now take your crooked husband and move to Philly where you belong. She was not happy with the lion share of the pie she wanted the whole thing. Well she got it right in the face. Maybe the Black Lives matter will hire you to represent them when Whites start suing them for harassment. Even liberal college kids are sick of the bogus plight of this group. All lives matter.

  27. Maybe no one has mentioned this, but what I find disturbing is the number of racist comments. And yes they are racist so don't try to downplay it by uttering some bs about a race card.

    More seem concerned about blacks rioting, getting 'free' stuff, being on welfare, dealing drugs, having kids and whatever other stereotypical things that come out of their mouths.

    They automatically assume this cop or any cop has done no wrong simply because he is a cop and they are just worthless blacks. They don't have jobs, they do or deal drugs or both. blah blah blah on and on and so on and so forth.

    You stick up for the cops simply because they are cops and you think they will someday protect you, probably from the ones you fear, blacks.

    The cops have no duty to protect anyone. They protect property and the population at large, no single person(s). And that includes blacks.

    Cops are people too. With their own biases, prejudices, racisms and hatreds.

    They have the same emotions as any other person and sometimes they give in to those emotions just like anyone else. They are also afforded certain allowances to get away with more than the average person. And they stick together very well to cover each other and then they have a union to cover them even more.

    I would suggest you put away your prejudices and hatreds and let the truth come out, no matter how painful it may be to either side. There is more at stake here than just if these cops are guilty or innocent.

    You think by rejecting the possibility of cops being able to commit any crimes you are supporting police, but you are not. You are enabling bad behavior and giving the green light to them to do these types of things, as long as it is done to a certain group or class of people.

    Anyone who commits crimes SHOULD be punished regardless of their background, and that SHOULD include cops. But all too often we see that is not the case. And don't think the cops don't know that. They not only know that they COUNT on it.

    I am not saying they or anyone else, is guilty or innocent. I am saying just stop with the finger pointing, the hatred, the automatic assumption of guilt or innocence based on anyone's career or skin color.

    It may be difficult, but it has to be done so EVERYONE can get a fair shot at justice.

    Merry Christmas.

  28. @7:26 Except for Ben Carson!

  29. 12:29 None of the comments are racists. If they were racist they would be baseless and they aren't. The comments stand for truths in an age when the people living in these urban ghettos (and elsewhere) are looking for answers as to why their neighborhoods have deteriorated into war zones.
    No one is automatically assuming anything. People on this blog felt the same about the Zimmerman case and George Z was not a cop.
    It's 2015. Between media reports and online sources (all Baltimore 6 court filing are online) just about everything a jury is going to hear is made public so assumptions are necessary and people opinions are fact based on available info.
    As far as rioting goes that was NOT an assumption either. Assumptions are NOT fact based and based on what the public saw occurring in both Ferguson and Baltimore earlier in the year rioting was a good possibility.
    Now since we are on the subject of assuming, it is yourself who is guilty of assuming. Not one of these people who comment on here is "rejecting the possibility of cops being able to commit any crimes." We are much smarter than that and know the possibility exists.

  30. Hey 11:46 Guess again! Angry Realist is more like it and how is it that when you people are told the truth and confronted with it you use the same tired old racist card? And don't you dare deny that this is exactly what you are doing!
    Now instead of using the racist excuse how about coming back with an intelligent defense to the above comments you deem as "racist."


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