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Monday, December 07, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions

EXCLUSIVE: Iran carried out a medium range ballistic missile test in November in breach of two United Nations Security Council resolutions, a senior U.S. official told Fox News.



  1. I'll bet my bottom dollar Obama releases their money to them!

  2. Oh, now they tell us - probably for our own good, right?

  3. Thanks obama for killing us all. It would be better for everyone if he would just go play golf all next year.

  4. Obama could care less. It's time for him to go to Hawaii for vacation you know. Play a little golf, sip some cold beer, waste more tax payers dollars. What does anyone expect from the worst president in American history? Everything is America's fault so we are suppose to get use to it!

  5. BUT, they will certainly honor the terms of the Obama gift package.
    Keep cheering.

  6. Surprise Surprise! Obama knew this would happen but did not give a damn. Wake Up America, the Democrats do not give a damn about the people in America!

  7. But...but...weren't we told they had no way of delivering a nuclear payload?

  8. if iran says it has to be the truth, sincerely your pres


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