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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Best Christian Muslim Debate ever !!!


  1. Both have a rich history of killing people who are different than them, poor treatment of women and raping children at their leisure. Why is one bad and one good?

    1. You must be thinking Papal Church Crusaders controlled by Pope 400 years ago. Protestant Christians never slaughtered anyone.

    2. Christians didn't advocate and codify pedophilia in the bible, unlike Muslims in the Koran. All religions, under the orchestration and design of mankind, have the potential to be dangerous if left unchecked by reason. But Christianity has evolved to espouse "forgiveness", "love of fellow man", "mercy", and tolerance. Islam has remained steadfast in its primitive ideology of hatred and persecution of "others".

      There is NO comparison between modern day Christianity's treatment of women, although still far from equal, and "modern day" Islam, which still teaches oppression and devaluation of women, unchanged for over 1500 years.

      Islam is a relative newcomer, it was invented after Judaism and Christianity.

  2. 7:03. Because Muslims still do it.

  3. do not blame Jesus for the sins men commit. You fail to miss the whole point. I would suggest you actually watch this video and possibly learn and understand the topics being discussed before commenting. Wisdom is a wonderful thing!

  4. But why do people keep referring to the Muslim religion as "thousands and thousands of years old",typically citing biblical reference to how long they've been around?Muhammad was not born until 570 AD (they refer to it as 570 CE,or Current Era)just to eliminate reference to Jesus Christ,thus diminishing his significance.According to my math therefore the Muslim religion has been around way less than 1500 years.Certainly not the 5,000 years that my pastor referred to this past Sunday.If they had been thinking clearly they would have concocted a prophet who pre dated Christ.

  5. Lucifer has more power than Muhammad,Moses or anyone on earth and still must ask God to unleash his demonic spirit amongst the humans.People,God is in control and Jesus is our only savior.

    1. Well, he's got a sadistic side then.

  6. Is what Jesus is reported as saying in the New Testament actually what he said or wanted to express? The New Testament is a work of Man, not purely the word of God.

  7. so where does kwanza fit in all this?


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