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Thursday, December 17, 2015

ABC/Wash Post Poll: Most Americans Oppose Assault Weapons Ban

A majority of Americans – 53 percent – oppose banning the sale of assault weapons, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll.

The poll also shows most Americans don't have confidence that the government has the ability to prevent lone wolf terrorist attacks.

Oppose a ban: 53 percent
Support a ban: 45 percent

The 45 percent who now favor a ban on the sale of assault-style weapons is down 11 percent from the last time the poll was taken in 2013. Support has steadily dropped, except for a slight uptick in 2011, since a record 80 percent favored a ban in 1994.



  1. Assault weapons are a made up term for guns Democrats want to take...If they can take one they can take all.

  2. Most Americans have no idea what a real "assault weapon" is supposed to be. Just oooh it's scary looking...

  3. Americans are scurrying little rabbits who are clueless of what to do.

  4. When Obama's buddies wearing PAJAMAS begin running around in your streets screaming:::: "Allah Alkabar" and carrying weapons....

    You are going to wish to GOD you had a So called Assault Weapon

  5. Just don't forget the reasoning our founding fathers had for the Second Amendment! The time is upon us to follow that reasoning before it's to late!! Our dictatorial government is no longer by the people, for the people or of the people. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!!

  6. Quit thinking that a politician (or a cop, for that matter) gets to tell you what rights he's going to LET you have...
    Don't think you have to pay an extortion fee to the State in order to exercise your RIGHTS.
    Don't ask anyone's PERMISSION, don't register ANYTHING, don't take some stupid "class" or believe you need to be "certified", don't submit a fingerprint, don't let some cop give you a 2+ hour grilling so that he would graciously ALLOW you have some rights.
    We're getting to the point where we will need to "convince" these kneeling, bootlicking, constantly afraid, cross dressing sissies that our rights are NON-NEGOTIABLE.
    When some Nazi-wannabe girlie thinks he/she can TAKE our rights, or parcel them out to us at their whim and pleasure, empty the mag on them. Reload quickly. Wait for the next idiot to roll up, all bad-ace and everything. Aim for the head.
    A LOT of people would rather die standing than live kneeling, wiping their mouth off every 5 minutes (because they've done nothing wrong....except surrender)
    Keep cheering.


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