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Sunday, December 06, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Mathias/Odachowski Marijuana

Good morning,

This was sent yesterday evening to the marijuana licensing board, any WJZ - FWIW.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
You certainly called this one !

Many business owners here are aware of the 'tactics' of these two thanks to your article January 2015.
Presumably untouchable ! 

Here it is :

Dear Sir/Madam

It would be a very bad decision to entitle Mr. Odachowski (and Senator James Mathias indirectly - AKA Royal Plus) to a, possibly 3, Medical Marijuana grow license(s).

It will have far reaching implications, not to mention the 'integrity' of your intentions.
This senator has close ties to Mr. ODACHOWSKI !

This is per a Washington Post Investigation.
(See link below for more details).

Senator Mathias voted YES to Legalized Medical Marijuana.

Washington Post :
"Senator Mathias 'forgot' to list his association with Royal Plus (Mr. Odachowski) while sponsoring legislation that would give his employer a big payday". "Senator Mathias was warned to disclose this relationship by the Ethics Committee, and yet failed to do so"....

Please, Please read this article that most of us here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland have known for years.
Especially the 'comments' section !

It is spot on.

Concerned Citizens for Ethical Medical Marijuana.
Eastern Shore, Maryland.


  1. I have never trusted Mathias. Typical politician!!

  2. Jim Mathias always has been a friend of drug legalization. Think about Ocean City and how many prominent people you can name that have ever been busted? ZERO!

    1. Mr. 6:40 AM Jim Mathias did not have power in Ocean City !!! Zero !!! Jim Mathias was not a strong mayor they do not have a strong mayor form of government so his power was zero ! And I am not defending him because I am a Republican but he had no power I am just making a correction for the dummies that don't understand . Now as a democratic control Senate he does have power as a senator .

    2. You can thank Jim for getting Military vehicles to Somerset Sheriffs Department. He personally got a waiver signed to register armored vehicle to be driven on road ways. Smh.

    3. 708 you are incorrect.

    4. 8:37 am what is incorrect and prove it.

    5. 8:36 am OK. Thank you Senatir Mathias for getting the Military vehicles to Somerset County. If you have been paying attention they helped save lives in Baltimore, Colorado and now San B. Cali. Thank you so much.

  3. Mathias is and always has been a grandstanding weasel. Wait until we hear the spin he is surely cooking up for this. And like he says - God Bless You.

  4. Mathis is the biggest crook that ever walked. He'll be history soon. In the meantime anyone can read the writing on the wall with his "retirement package" Matt has planned.

  5. Jim Mathis is the Eastern Shore version of Hillary Clinton. She must be giving him lessons. I see a pattern here. Lies and corruption

  6. You keep voting for him!!!!!

  7. 7:08 AM What would you think of this scenario in local government? For decades there have been people in Ocean City who have operated criminal enterprises that are common knowledge yet nobody is ever prosecuted? The prominent citizens who are benefactors of selective prosecution? It goes on and on if you have lived here since the 1960's you would know what
    i say is true.

  8. Like Cain real estate. Oh wait, they got caught.

  9. It was local lore that LBJ used the Carousel Hotel as his private HO HOUSE. Nobody ever came after him for that!

  10. The hi-lite of Mathias' career has been staggering in to whatever bar Mary Lou and the Untouchables were playing and singing Mustang Sally. And he wasn't even good at that.

  11. Wait and see how many politicians are connected to marijuana growing and distribution. It's going to be very lucrative for them.

  12. What a waste of resources and time. Its a f-king plant people. Grow it yourselves. One step forward two steps back. Stop legislating nature.

  13. 1:28 is right allow people to grow their own for personal use and keep all the lying cheating morally bankrupt people from profiting off it.

  14. Washington state allows people to grow for personal use. The Sam's club sells free standing hydro grow rooms set up for weed. Put one in the garage or spare bedroom and raise your own sticky icky or diesel.

  15. Right on 2:07 we need what DC, Washington State and Colorado have.

  16. And the rich get richer buying privilege.

  17. James Mathias represents the Democratic Party not the citizens on the Eastern Shore. He is a sleazy bum who is finally getting caught with his pants down.

  18. But who keeps voting him in? citizens of the eastern shore....hmmm.


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