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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Yes or No?


  1. Yes , they should be the priority .

  2. The fact that we have to ask that is sad.

  3. The fact that our "elected representatives" at both the State and Federal level say no to our vets everyday and spend our tax dollars for someone else's 'crisis' is unimaginable!

  4. Its sad that it takes something like this refugee crisis for people to start actively caring about our veterans.

  5. Hell yes. Politicians are you listening?

  6. After seeing all the goodies for illegal immigrants and "refugees" and allowing our veterans to go homeless and without jobs or any kind of support for defending this country then maybe it's time we see a whole lot of homeless and jobless congressmen and senators

  7. Yes!
    Its is really sad to see more people worrying about these refugees than taking care of our veterans first.

  8. Yes, yes, yes we should not as a nation save everyone and not our own!!!

  9. Why is the Republican congress always voting down more funds for vets?

  10. 11:13....for the same reason democrats do.....start paying attention.

  11. 12:13 Who is in charge right now??

  12. Without question.....YES

  13. YES. I think it is appalling how we treat our veterans in this country. We don't mind asking them to go to some country where they lose their limbs and sometimes their minds but when they come back here, we do nothing for them. Many, many months waiting time to get medical treatment if at all. Homelessness, helplessness. Our officials don't seem to care.

  14. If they have ID or can verify!!

  15. And all of the promises made to the the new recruits when they signed up were just baseless ramblings.Why did Bush make such grandiose claims and why did he tell the recruiters to follow suit? "You'll have your jobs back upon your return" was only one,but there were more.They thought they'd return to a better place than when they left.We are pathetic when vets get shoved to the back.

    1. Bush? Longest war under one singe president is the current one. The same guy who said he is ending it 8 years ago.

  16. The solution is simple. Have all active vets take off the uniform. Let the politicians fight the wars, settle unrest areas, etc. We have enough guns in our homes to have a civilian army. Research the minutemen in history. Let us rally again. How is that General Obama??

  17. the fact that there's only 28 replies to this is the reason it's happening

    no one is willing to take a stand for the vets

    call, email, text, visit your representatives and demand that our vets are taken care of


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