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Friday, November 20, 2015

Will Pet Food Meats Spoil like Human Food Meats?, Forgotten...raw bones

Just three generations ago, almost every pet owner gave their dog or cat table food and raw bones. Today, the greatest majority of pet owners have forgotten what their grandparents or great-grandparents fed to their dogs or cats. It’s time to remember.

Like so many of you, I don’t have the money for regular dental cleaning for my pets, plus the anesthesia involved for each procedure is something I’m not comfortable with. A video from Dr. Tom Lonsdale of Australia was a wake up call, and it caused me to remember what the pets of my childhood ate on a regular basis – raw bones.

The video that sparked my memories…



  1. I don’t have the money for regular dental cleaning for my pets

    Then don't get a pet, it is part of responsible pet ownership.

  2. I give my dog deer antlers to chew on. He loves them.

  3. Dental cleaning for a dog? Yeah, I'll get right on that. Not. It's a dog.


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