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Friday, November 06, 2015

Why are Maryland teens turning to heroin?

Recovering heroin addict Conner Ostrowski grew up in what his mother calls a "stereotypical suburban household" in Anne Arundel County.

The former Linthicum resident is part of a close-knit family. He excelled in academics and athletics, consistently making the honor roll and wrestling for North County High School. And he dreamed of one day becoming a disc jockey and sound and lighting expert.

But four years ago, when Conner was 16, he injured his back during a wrestling match. Soon after, and without his parents' knowledge, someone shared a prescription pain pill with him. That's when his descent into heroin addiction began.

"It was one pill," says his mother, Andrea Wildason. "That's the danger. He took that pill and it was like magic."

Within two years, Conner went from popping Percocet to injecting heroin, four to six times a day.

Local leaders say addictions like Conner's are becoming all too common in Maryland, where the heroin epidemic is reaching record levels.



  1. The heroin production in Afghanistan is at an all time high.
    The Taliban government tried to destroy it since they don't believe in drug use. The US Government is guarding the poppy fields so the drug war lords cant' get to them.

  2. The Islamists are funding their towel brigades with the sale of the poppies to anyone who will buy them.

  3. 1:31
    You are simply wrong.

    The CIA uses drug running as a source of funds for black ops.

    Try reading every now and then. Turn off the TV

  4. it makes perfect sense to correlate the epidemic of Heroin supply with DHS and their focus upon Citizens instead of our borders ... The Holder Justice dept let off mega bank HSBC who was caught laundering Billions in Drug cash... all they got was a fine ...I am amazed somebody even made a case

  5. just read the article above this one about boys in the girls locker room... heroin is the only thing that makes sense anymore with the rest of the world GOING INSANE!!!!

  6. Kill the Messenger movie.

    Thanks 2:20

  7. Conner's got like a million warrants out for his arrest.


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