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Friday, November 20, 2015

We're Coming ISIS


  1. A bunch of young men going to be killed, maimed and PTSD'ed for the financial gain of a select few in this country, hoping just to get a college degree that is as unaffordable as it is useless. Then when that nations extremists attack, we send more boys over. They go to fight for the American way only to return home between tours 5 and 6 to find the Constitution they've been fighting for being used as toilet paper by the same @$$+%#*s who sent them to fight another war for profit.
    And if you say it is not for profit look at how much this military equipment costs. The military has to buy it all new too because now every bumwad town and cowboy sherrif from here to the Pacific has their own mine-proof armored personnel carrier, because the Feds were giving it away and we had to get ours. Hell they have the cops, schools, fire departments all on the food stamp mentality now. "We dont need it but we cant pass it up because the Government is giving it away for free."

  2. Uh.. We aren't doing anything. Obama said no way. Josey!

  3. 1:03 you nailed it.
    3:41 Obama can lie out both sides of his mouth and brush his teeth at the same time.

  4. 1:03 complaining without solution is whining. Stop whining.

  5. Tell our politicians to remove the rules of engagement, let the Generals direct the battles. That's how we won WWII.....as soon as the politicians got involved, the success rate went down! Korea was a political war, Viet-Nam was a political war, and the current Persian Gulf wars are political...directed by the likes of Lurch and the HildaBeast while the slime cancer spreads!

  6. 1:03 since you know it all and don't seem to offer any concrete solutions WITHOUT the military I am going to assume you are a pacifist or just a loser. You would probably complain about sending troops to Europe and the Pacific in World War II.

    People have been complaining about the military industrial complex since the 1950's - maybe that's why we haven't won a war since then.

    1. 1:03 Here. Just listen to Ron Paul. Only go to war if it is nessasary, but if we do we win it and come home. We could win all these wars in a matter of days, probably without boots on the ground, its the continued occupation that is draining us. But if you ask me we should have never started half of them.
      Yes I prefer pacifist solutions but I'm also a realist and the next pres will have to f someone up before we are ever taken seriously again, but it should be a war that matters and is needed, not a war for government contracts.
      Im not running for any office so I don't owe some anonymous prick a solution for the counties problems. I was just pointing out that we have been bringing kids back with limbs blown off and brains fried for 12 years and we have nothing to show for it but complete chaos in the middle East and a greater more imminent terror threat than we have EVER faced. SO IF YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME IS THAT I DONT GET A HARD @%#& FROM SEEING MORE TROOPS DEPLOYED ILL TELL YOU WHERE TO SHOVE IT.

  7. 1:03 has a point, Although it's unfortunate this administration and the ones before it caused a lot of these problems. Nothing left to do now but bomb the crap out of em, don't send any of our young men over there! They ain't worth one american life.

  8. 1:03 is a coward. Says the anonymous poster.....


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