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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

USPS Admits They Just Can't Operate Like A Private Company

The Postal Service could make more money if it entered an agreement and shared business with a private package carrier. The USPS Inspector General said delivery service would get more efficient. A private company can process mail faster. And the Postal Service can deliver packages more efficiently. The IG said what it calls “co-opetition” could also bring down prices for consumers.


  1. So, instead of looking at the inefficient workers, they simply say that private companies are faster, and wash their hands.

  2. If the USPS hasn't got this down to a science by now, then just give up! Shut it down and walk away.

  3. Anonymous said...
    So, instead of looking at the inefficient workers, they simply say that private companies are faster, and wash their hands.

    November 4, 2015 at 3:24 PM

    You beat me to it. Sad thing is people are to stupid to see what the real problem is.

  4. The problem with the USPS is the same problem with fast food in America. When you walk into a fast food restaurant and expect fast and efficient service what do you see? I will give you 3 guesses and neither of the guesses is white people.


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