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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

US Senator Releases List of 15 "Vetted" Islamic Refugee Terrorists Who Plotted to Attack US

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is out with a list of 15 vetted refugees who quickly joined jihad plots to attack the United States.

He’s spotlighting the refugees-turned-jihadis because he’s trying to prod GOP leaders into halting Congress’ normal practice of giving the president huge leeway to import foreign migrants and refugees into the United States.

This year, Obama is promising to bring in an extra 10,000 low-skill, potentially difficult-to-integrate Syrian migrants into the United States. Sessions and other critics fear he’ll use his many powers — and Congress’ autopilot funding for refugee programs — to bring in far more than 10,000 migrants.



  1. We should not be allowing people from other countries that hate our way of life into this country. Period.

  2. 6:14 Absolutely correct!
    I wish Senator Sessions would run for some higher office. Though, he's invaluable in the Senate.


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