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Monday, November 09, 2015

UK Flight Barely Dodges Rocket Over Sinai

Rocket fired at Thomson Airways flight approaching Sharm a-Sheikh. Pilot managed to avoid strike by 300 meters.

A British plane narrowly avoided a rocket attack while flying over the Sinai Peninsula in August.

The Thomson Airways jet was approaching the airport in Sharm a-Sheikh and carrying 189 passengers, most of whom were British tourists on vacation. The pilot deftly managed to divert the plane and the rocket missed by only 300 meters.

At first Thomson refused to comment on reports of the incident, but last night (Friday) it announced that "Thomson Airways can confirm that an event was reported by the crew of flight TOM 476 on 23rd August 2015. Upon landing into Sharm el-Sheikh, an initial assessment was conducted and the event was immediately reported to the UK Department for Transport (DfT) in line with established protocol.


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