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Sunday, November 01, 2015

This Is What Is Wrong With The Liberal Education System

7th Grader Says Texas Teacher FORCED Students to Deny God is Real or Get FAILING GRADE


  1. Yes the education system is broken but how about focusing on the stories that happen more often than this? For example, I'm sure you haven't heard about the Wi Middle teacher who had to have emergency spinal surgery because she was severely injured by a violent student? I'm sure the WCBOE doesn't want anyone to hear about this or the countless other stories of teachers being cussed out, physically injured and abused on a daily basis. The students in this county run the schools. There are no consequences for behavior and it's completely out of control. Don't believe me? Go to Bennett High on any given day. My daughter says there are kids walking around the school during class time all day long. Public education is pathetic.

    1. The teachers need to Protest.

    2. You are right 7:30. Bennett High is out of control. Today when I picked my child up from Bennett, he told me there were 5 fights that happened today. He told me there were so many sheriff deputies at the school that some of his classmates were afraid. My son has also witnessed teachers being cussed out and threatened. Is any learning going on in that school???? My son also confirmed that students are constantly in the halls during class and they are so loud it interrupts the lessons. Is this what you call an acceptable learning environment Dr. Freddy???? How are you keeping my child safe???

  2. This exemplifies why the federal government needs to get out of the education system!

  3. I want to hear more about these types of things that 7:30 AM is talking about. Why are we not hearing about this? Salisbury you are pathetic. Why is it that everyone in this town always wants everyone to believe that everything is ok and things don't happen here, it's always somewhere else. BS!!! That violent student needs to be in jail, not school.

  4. That teacher should be arrested.

  5. But gods not real though...

  6. Teacher should be reprimanded severely. If the opposite happened where the teacher was making everyone read the bible and listen to her preach from the caulk board, all government and Mikey Weinstein would crash down on her. SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE would be the mantra. Now that she is "preaching" anti-God, then shouldn't it be the same? She is still mentioning God, just in the negative.

    9:46 = Troll

  7. @9:46 How do you know?? He is real to me and I pray someday you wake up and realize that.

    1. Santa Claus is real to a lot is (small) people.

  8. You know what they say those who can can those who can't teach

    1. Those who can do, those who can't teach!

  9. We are getting one side of the story from a child who most likely was coached by her parents. I think that somewhere there are details being left out and I would like to know what they are before forming an opinion. If what she says is true, The assignment itself would be a violation of the establishment clause. And quite unconscionable.

  10. Way to go girl. Glad to see her taking a stand.

  11. I'm not sure if there is a God or not,but I do know that a lot of good and a lot of evil have been done in the name of religion. Religion is a very personal and family matter and should have no place in public schools. Acknowledged ,of course, but the teachers and school system should never express an opinion on the matter one way or the other.

  12. Two words: Christian Schools.

  13. Hey Burger, they are teaching about other faiths and especially the muslim idiotic ways.

  14. I think the teacher was way out of line. Personal religious beliefs and ideologies have no place in the classroom. It should be entirely up to the parents, not the teacher, to bring up religious issues, at home.

    It would be just as outrageous, if the teacher forced a child to say "The lord is my god" or worse, "allah is the only god" or get a failing grade.

    I am an atheist, and I am appalled at this teacher forcing a child to deny her faith.

  15. Hey 7:53 yes I'm sure they teach about the muslim religion in schools BUT that does not make it right. There should be rules and standards that all teachers should have to go by and if they don't they should be fired.

  16. Christianity is under attack by the liberals.


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