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Sunday, November 01, 2015

The Most Likely Next President Is Hillary Clinton And Republicans are in denial about it.

A virulent strain of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, which scientists and Republicans thought had been wiped out at the end of the last century, is now afflicting millions of conservative Americans. Some Republicans so detest Hillary Clinton they are badly underestimating how likely she is, at this point in the campaign, to be America’s 45thpresident. Their denial is just as strong now as it was a month ago, before Clinton began a run of political victories that have enhanced her prospects, all while the roller derby/demolition derby that is the Republican nomination contest has continued to harm the GOP’s chances of winning back the White House.

To be sure, nothing ever happens in a linear or tidy fashion with the Clintons; she is certain to add more chapters to the Perils of Hillary saga before Election Day 2016. Bernie Sanders could still upend her in Iowa, New Hampshire, or both, which could throw the nomination battle into unadulterated bedlam. Even if Clinton is nominated, a strong Republican candidate could absolutely defeat her next November, with victory as simple as the party putting forth a nominee who is more likeable to voters and better on television. Indeed, many elite and grassroots Republicans believe Clinton’s personality, which they can’t stand, will keep her out of the Oval Office no matter what.

But October has been good to Clinton: a glittering debate performance, the decision of potential rival Joe Biden not to run (greatly simplifying her path to the nomination), the vanquishing of Republicans during her daylong Benghazi hearing, and a solid turn at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson dinner Saturday night. All have improved Clinton’s odds of cruising into the White House twelve months hence, and have thrown into sharper relief some of the advantages she has had all along.

To state the obvious, Clinton faces two tasks to become commander-in-chief: get enough delegates to beat Sanders and then sew up 270 electoral votes. The more easily she can complete her first mission (especially compared to the wooly nomination battle of her eventual Republican opponent), the more easily achievable will be her second goal.



  1. I just cannot imagine her being president. My poor wallet would feel violated and raped. And my ears, OH MY EARS. Her voice is like that mother in law that gets on your every nerve. Listening to Obama and his pauses and his repetitive "let me be clear" statements is bad enough. But to have to listen to Hillary's shrill and irritating voice. Wow, I just cannot imagine.

  2. Benghazi hearing tops out as the best thing to happen for her campaign.

  3. The GOP had four years to regroup. They've had a chance to prove leadership skills in Congress and it's been one debacle after another. The Nation is losing faith in the Republican Party drip by drip.

  4. Powers above and beyond the will of the people have already decided this one.No monkey wrench is big enough to impede the gears in this one.9:51 is correct.

  5. The world is on the precipice of all out global conflict. Hillary will just be a target. prepare for the worst hope for the best.

  6. 10:35 You got that. It is one reason outsiders are doing so well, the so called leaders in government look like fools.

  7. "Benghazi hearing tops out as the best thing to happen for her campaign." Not exactly. It was how the media chose to report the hearings that were the best thing for her campaign. Another incompetent corrupt democrat saved by the MSM.

  8. I'm not in denial about it BUT it will be FLAT OUT WRONG!!!

  9. Nope sorry 11:06, not in this case. She looked presidential and the committee members looked like students who didn't do their homework.

  10. Don't believe what liberal TV tells you. Read books about the Clintons. Their past is unbelievably corrupt and continues to this day.

  11. 8 million registered conservative Republicans did not vote the last presidential election. Why, you ask...because the RINO's, the establishment Republicans just don't get the fact that we don't want anymore RINO's. They can't wrap their empty heads around this concept. Sooooooo...BYE

  12. Hillary will make a great president, she is honest, caring, believes in running a tight fiscal ship, and to top it off she is extremely sexy. she will make Obama look like he didn't know what he was doing


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