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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving Surprise: People SHOCKED Their Families Support Donald Trump

A whole bunch of people were in for a nasty shock when they went to celebrate with their families this week – many of their families are supporting Donald Trump for president. Oh, the horror of it all! They are supporting a conservative Republican!! Perish the thought. A number of individuals swore off their families forever over this. No big loss to those they are deserting. Others vowed no Christmas presents for their family members who want to, you know, actually save the Republic (not that these morons know the true meaning of Christmas). Again, no huge loss. This is awesome. Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full beast mode out there. These liberal weenies are going home to a dose of reality. The majority of America seems to be all in for Trump and the Leftist morons are now slipping from denial into anger, then to depression and finally to defeat. Good times. I wish someone would compile a video of the shocked faces of these useful idiots as the joyous and excited dinner conversations supporting Trump ensued. It would be a hit.



  1. The feds have been watching us conservatives like hawks and calling us extremists.. I'd say they've got the wrong ones in their sights.

    These left-wing loonies will start going postal pretty quick.

    We will just sit back and watch. It will be quite a show.

  2. I had Thanksgiving dinner with 18 friends and relatives all conservative registered Republicans who vote in every election and not a single one expressed a smidgen of desire to vote for Trump.


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