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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Tell me again how the country has turned for the worst


  1. Called that thing "the board of education" at St. Francis Catholic School. And the Nuns knew how to use it if needed. And it certainly worked!!!

  2. This is what should be happening each and every day in every school.

  3. This was taken away bc thug parents didn't like it ? Go figure and hence we have out of control punks.

  4. Bring back the whip i got in school and i have Never committed a crime.

  5. Giving kids the idea that they are "equal" to adults and can run their little lives without being required to learn how to follow rules, have self-discipline, respect for those in authority and to be able to know right from wrong (there ARE wrong things, despite the indoctrination of today). And most importantly, knowing there are consequences of doing wrong and none of them include a $6.5 million dollar settlement for being nothing other than a leech, a low-level criminal, and a drain on society.
    Keep cheering.

  6. looks like the paddle hazel hearn had at prince street elementary in salisbury md.


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