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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Teens allegedly kill woman at car wash, take body on joyride

Two Missouri teenagers fatally stabbed a woman while she was vacuuming her car and then went on a gruesome joyride with her dead body propped up in the front seat, according to reports.

The two boys, 13 and 14, allegedly stabbed 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain in the face, neck, chest and hands on Nov. 1 as she visited a local car wash and vacuumed her vehicle, according to documents obtained by KCTV5.

Surveillance video shows the eighth-graders exiting Quick Clean Car Wash wearing distinct hoodies that would later help police identify them as suspects.

The Nov. 1 time change for daylight saving time screwed up the nearby video footage, which shows the boys getting in the vehicle with Chamberlain in the front seat at around 1:57 a.m. — 40 minutes after Chamberlain is seen on camera vacuuming her car, according to the court documents.

A few minutes later the video boots back up and the car is gone, KCTV5 reported.

The documents state that the teens then took off in the vehicle with Chamberlain's dead body propped up in the front seat with her feet on the dashboard.



  1. and you are worried about some Syrian immigrants? Got bigger problems with the locals.

  2. 11:34 you're good little sheep. Obama would proud of you.

  3. 5:28 Hurry up and get to work.....be a good lil worker bee

  4. I'm just waiting for the excuses to fly for these boys' behavior.
    Which presidential candidate will get the most face time our of it - you can bet that their handlers and writers are all over it.

  5. In other parts of the world, kids this age are carrying AK-47s.

  6. The chickens have come home to roost.When you literally pay unwed mothers to have multiple children and provide for them cradle to grave,this is what you get.

  7. Will O invite them to the Whitehouse?

  8. Joe why didn't you post the picture of the two yoots that din doonuffin?

  9. She was white for these little thugs that's enough of a reason. Charge them as adults and lock them up for a good long time!

  10. hope they're charged as adults! certainly they knew what they were doing.

  11. eighth-graders in Missouri thanks George Soros

  12. I knew the victims was white and the perpetrators were black before I even clicked the link. And that's sad

  13. White Lives Matter! Time to quit playing nice. Lethal injection for these two. Better yet, bring back public hanging. Down with PC!

  14. Black perps, white victim. Sadistic crime. Why didn't we see it on the news?


    My bad. We would see only if white perps, black victim. Sorry.

  15. One thing the media failed to mention that the victim was a little defenseless white woman murdered by 2 thugs. They made it sound like they were gentle, little middle schoolers instead of the thugs they were.

  16. Anonymous said...
    and you are worried about some Syrian immigrants? Got bigger problems with the locals.

    November 16, 2015 at 11:34 PM

    You better believe we are worried about those refugees. Yes we have problems here, but they are not bigger problems.

    What an ignorant comment you stupid moron!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    11:34 you're good little sheep. Obama would proud of you.

    November 17, 2015 at 5:28 AM

    HaHaHa... You beat me to it.

  18. Anonymous said...
    5:28 Hurry up and get to work.....be a good lil worker bee

    November 17, 2015 at 6:43 AM

    What a dumb comment.

  19. Anonymous said...
    The chickens have come home to roost.When you literally pay unwed mothers to have multiple children and provide for them cradle to grave,this is what you get.

    November 17, 2015 at 7:08 AM

    I'm glad someone else gets it.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I knew the victims was white and the perpetrators were black before I even clicked the link. And that's sad

    November 17, 2015 at 9:09 AM

    Me to and I knew the media would avoid those issues just like they did.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Joe why didn't you post the picture of the two yoots that din doonuffin?

    November 17, 2015 at 7:38 AM


    da woot be dintent doo nuffin.


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