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Friday, November 20, 2015

Ted Cruz Challenges President Obama to Debate on Syrian Refugees

One day after President Obama assailed the “political posturing” of Republicans who have called for barring the Syrian refugees from entering the United States, Senator Ted Cruz delivered this retort: “Come back and insult me to my face.”

Speaking to reporters in Washington on Wednesday, Mr. Cruz, a Republican running for president, challenged Mr. Obama to a public debate on refugee policy, criticizing Mr. Obama for having made his remarks on a trip to Manila.

“I prefer it in the United States and not overseas, where you’re making the insults,” Mr. Cruz said of the unlikely debate. “It’s easy to toss a cheap insult when no one can respond.”

Mr. Cruz’s office said he is preparing to introduce a bill this week that would bar Syrian refugees from coming to the United States, but it is not yet clear if it would apply to all refugees or only to Muslims.

Mr. Cruz, a Texas senator, has expressed an openness to welcoming Syrian refugees in the past, but since the Paris terrorist attacks last week, several Republican candidates have taken pains to establish a hard line on accepting refugees.

“It is the height of lunacy for a government official to welcome in tens of thousands of refugees when we know that among them will be ISIS terrorists,” Mr. Cruz said Wednesday.

More here


  1. The coward would never go for it.

  2. Obama is too stupid to do it, if he can't use a teleprompter, he can't speak.

  3. 2:07 Correct. He is a coward. And don't forget he's also a liar, a fraud, and a Muslim. This man possesses a Social Security card from a dead man and never signed up for Selective Service because was a foreign student.

  4. Cruz would make Obama cry.

  5. He is nothing but a pandering fraud. Eastwood had it right from the beginning and everyone laughed. Who is laughing now?

  6. Stand strong, and go get 'em Teddy!!!

  7. The blood will be on obamas hands if he lets these satanic evil islamic demons in this country. Its satans religion . Think about it

  8. Why should the President debate Sen. Cruz. They both come off as a pair of whiny, arrogant so and so's but one is the President doing Presidential things (like listening to Putin tell the world about the failure of US policies in Iraq/Syria/Afghanistan) and the other's a wannabe.

  9. Obama had better do something & fast OR America is Doomed
    to destruction

  10. Oh, Obama's doing something fast alright, 617. He's destroying this country as fast as he can!

  11. Why are even wasting our time with issues like this? As we have seen in the past that this administration is communist and full of lies , nothing will be done. Just like Nazi Germany in the 1940s the people new it was happening , but did nothing but worship Hitler. History will soon repeat itself , the fall of the American Empire is here.
    Hillary will be you new dictator , congratulations America , 7 years to bring down the most powerful and respected country in the world , thanks Obama .


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