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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Students Start 'White Student Union'... Here's What Happened IMMEDIATELY

If groups of black, Latino and Asian students all had their own race-exclusive clubs at a prominent American University, it would only stand to reason that white students should be able to form a union of their own, right?

Not only would it be fair, but it would also fall under this oft-overlooked amendment to the United States Constitution — The First Amendment.

Unfortunately, administrators at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign apparently aren’t fans of our founding document, because the moment white students set up a Facebook page for a new “white union” in response to a Black Lives Matter group disrupting their lives on campus, staffers were on the phone with Facebook requesting that the page be taken down.

And Facebook complied.

It started when, according to The Washington Post, a group of students formed the “Illini White Students Union” Facebook page with a mission statement that said the page was “for white students of University of Illinois to be able to form a community and discuss our own issues as well as be able to organize against the terrorism we have been facing from Black Lives Matter activists on campus.”



  1. Just do it anyway. It does get done by word of mouth. Electronic media isn't necessary.

  2. Go figure. I hope they "the white students" are relentless in their endeavor. Never give up.

  3. They should have left office the terrorism part to slide it by administration.

  4. They should have left out...
    Intuitive typing is a pain.

  5. Every faction needs a voice. Let the debates and science sort them out.

  6. I've asked Face Book to remove the BLM page and they refused.

  7. They need to sue that's what the left does.

  8. Ohhh but its ok to have Black asian muslum ,but NO White f them.

  9. Discrimination, white lives matter. Sue the college.

    Once again the blacks started this mess. Since they want their own space, it would be better for everyone if they had their own colleges to attend, and whites had their own colleges to attend, and every other minority that could ever possibly have their feelings hurt in their lifetime, had their own colleges to attend.

    The black lives matter thugs started all this breakdown, so whites have just as much rights as they do. Blacks aren't any better than anyone else. Get over yourselves.

  10. So much for "White Privilege". What a crock of #$%& that is!

  11. Judicial Watch will represent youNovember 23, 2015 at 7:11 PM

    SUE THE COLLEGE and the people directly responsible for denying you your 1st Amendment rights...

  12. I'm sick to death of all of it.

  13. Just three of you can launch a class action suit. Way more money and interest.

  14. Not really 8:14 unless you are the attorney. Class members rarely get much of the settlement.

  15. I felt this way 40 years ago when SSC started a Black Student Union. It was discrimination then and still is.

  16. No No you don't seem to understand if the left doesn't agree with what you are doing then the first ammendment doesn't apply. It's all covered in political correctness 101. I think Hillary teaches that course.

  17. Perfect!
    Now you have grounds to sue Big time. Get a lawyer, listen to him, lock it in, then SUE!


  18. You have to SUE them into compliance the way the left likes to do.


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