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Friday, November 13, 2015

Stocking Up For The Winter

If there's one thing I really enjoy it's a nice hot Bonfire on the weekend, especially in the winter months. 

Today a neighbor had three very tall and mature trees that needed to come down. We counted the rings, 75 of them. I asked the contractor, you wouldn't be interested in cutting them to 18" long, would you? He said, I'll do one better. I'll bring them to your property and we'll cut them to length on the spot. How cool is that! 

So here's a shout out to thank Cottman Tree Experts out of Princess Anne. When you look east from Salisbury towards Ocean City and you see the sky all light up at night, that would be me. ;-)

Stay thirsty my friends.


  1. Feel exactly the same an open flame & cool temps makes life troubles seem to be smaller!

  2. I've had people tell me I was signaling the aliens with my big fires


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