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Friday, November 20, 2015

Smith College Protesters Ban Reporters Who Don’t ‘Articulate Their Solidarity’

Hundreds of Smith College students gathered Wednesday to voice solidarity with University of Missouri protesters, only journalists were reportedly barred from the event unless sympathetic to the cause.

A sit-in from noon to midnight at the Northampton, Massachusetts, campus reportedly drew 300 to 500 students and Black Lives Matter activists who chanted and shared their own experiences with racism and discrimination. Similar to rules enforced at the University of Missouri and other campuses nationwide, media members were not allowed to cover the Smith College sit-in unless they openly supported the movement, MassLive reported.

Organizer Alyssa Mata-Flores said the no-press rule was in place because “media has historically painted radical black movements as violent and aggressive.”

“We are asking that any journalists or press that cover our story participate and articulate their solidarity with black students and students of color,” she told MassLive. “By taking a neutral stance, journalists and media are being complacent in our fight.”



  1. Just WOW. We are heading into some scary times.

  2. They are acting just like a spoiled 2nd grader having a temper tantrum.

  3. Maybe they should issue their own press releases much like ISIS.

  4. As soon as the money stops these idiots will be reined in. The libitards don't understand normal thinking but when the money stops. They miraculously get a brain in their tiny minded heads.

  5. 12:16 pm No they don't get a brain they never will. Stupid is as stupid does.

  6. fascism ... Progressive socialism... they will justify ethnic cleansing of those they see as an obstacle


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