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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Silent and Calm, Terrorists Fired Into the Crowd For ‘Ten Minutes, Ten Horrific Minutes’

France woke Saturday shaken by Europe’s greatest loss of life at the hands of Islamic terrorists since the Madrid bombing 11 years ago – at least 120 people killed in six evidently coordinated gun and bomb attacks over a three-hour period, including a horror scenario in which terrorists held concert-goers hostage, gunned down dozens and detonated explosive belts.

At the Bataclan Theater, at least 75 people attending a concert by a U.S. rock band were killed and many more injured, according to authorities. Eyewitnesses spoke of two young men armed with AK47 assault rifles firing repetitively and dispassionately into the crowded venue, targeting helpless victims cowering on the floor.

Julien Pearce, a radio reporter who was inside the concert hall, told CNN he saw two terrorists at the back of the venue, “firing randomly to the crowd. People yelled, screamed, everybody lying on the floor. And it lasted for ten minutes, ten minutes, ten horrific minutes, where everybody was on the floor covering their heads.”

“We heard so many gunshots. The terrorists were very calm, very determined, and they reloaded three or four times their weapons. They didn’t shout anything, they didn’t say anything,” he said. “They were unmasked, and they were wearing black clothes, and they were shooting at people on the floor, executing them…”

More here


  1. God bless everyone in this horrific event. But what if everyone was allowed concealed carry there. Would the outcome be the same?

  2. There are only 15,000 people in Maryland with concealed carry permits. We, as a state, make an excellent target for an attack.
    Thankfully I am one of those 15,000.

  3. How's that gun control working for you? An unarmed society is not a safe society. You're just sitting ducks. One handgun in the hands of one victim could've ended it all. Keep thinking the police will keep you safe. Good luck.

  4. 9:31 What good is your carry permit at a public event like a baseball or football game where you will not be allowed to carry? I could be wrong but aren't you also prohibited from carrying in bars or just if you have been drinking? Also, most handguns are no match for a vest with explosives or an AK-47 with 30 round mags. It's nice that it makes you feel safer.

  5. I feel sorry for the victims in Paris and their family's but everyone should remember what those brave people did on that 911 flight they brought down over Pennsylvania. If that crowd at that rock concert had attacked those terrorists instead of 120 dead it might have only been 20 or 30. That is something we have all got to be prepared for,it's coming.

  6. With France's very strict gun laws, no one was armed except the terrorists. They were very calm.

  7. One of the vans bringing the killers to the stadium had a Obama/Biden sticker on it.


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