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Monday, November 02, 2015

Sewing Needle Found In Halloween Candy In Salisbury


  1. Lots of hoaxes about this going around

  2. someone looking for attention, I call BS on this

  3. why is a 15 year old trick or treating to begin with

  4. I call BS on this one too. At 15 years of age you should be able to remember who gave you what while Trick or Treating. We knew at a much younger age who was giving what. Kids would say we got M & M's at the Smiths to there and the Jones' are being cheap this year and only giving out ONE Root Beer Barrel. Besides according to press release the outside packaging didn't appear to be tampered with and you would be able to see a pin hole in the packaging.

  5. Do you how many tootsie rolls end up in my kids' bags every year? Tons. Same with Twizzlers. You could easily slide a needle through the clear cellophane and through the soft Twizzler, and it wouldn't look any different. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that would be the case. Why do you think they have places to go and have your candy x-rayed? BECAUSE THERE ARE EVIL PEOPLE THAT DO THIS. Stop being so cynical all the time. Same people, same cynical comments.

  6. Not cynical 4:22, realistic. 99.9% of these 'tampered' candy cases turn out to be a hoax. With that being the case, common sense dictates, cynicism.

  7. Who cares that a 15 yr old is trick or treating! What else is there to do in Salisbury. He was not out breaking into houses or stealing anything. Maybe he was taking a little sibling trick or treating as well. If they come to my house in costume I give them candy. Heck if the parents are in costume I offer them candy as well. It's only candy people don't be stingy.

  8. Not a hoax repeat not a hoax. More have been found!!! Scary

  9. The tinfoil hats are out again. Why would it be so hard to believe this actually occurred? I guess a study has been conducted on how many hoax claims of needles in Halloween candy has been conducted?There are evil people in this world, news flash. I am sure plenty of them live in Salisbury.


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