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Friday, November 13, 2015

Serial scammer sentenced to 70 years in jail

ROCKVILLE, Md. (ABC7) — Prosecutors say he ripped off companies and taxpayers, filed hundreds of frivolous lawsuits, and falsely claimed he'd been roughed up by law enforcement -- and now he's been sentenced to 70 years in jail.

Kenneth Hinton, 51, of Silver Spring was sentenced in Rockville Thursday after being convicted of 26 counts of perjury and one count of theft.

Prosecutors say such a harsh sentence is incredibly rare -- but so is what Hinton did.

Hinton is accused of filing around 100 frivolous lawsuits in just a year and a half. Over the course of his lifetime prosecutors say he filed many, many more.



  1. Drop ahi t that he is a pedophile when he reports to prison

  2. What about the lawyers he hired?

  3. Sounds like the Jailhouse Law Associates are about to get a new member on their board of directors.
    State prisoners file thousands of lawsuits every year and run lucrative businesses from behind bars. Think that this guy will find a way?

  4. Prison doesn't put a halt to filing lawsuits..
    he must have sued one of the special people who perjure themselves as a way of life in DC

  5. Yet, a cop can kill someone and be sentences to 'time served and probation'.
    How ya like that LE-judicial connection now folks?

  6. Glad he got the sentence he did, more than deserved, sounds like this is one we got right.

  7. You get less time for murder.


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