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Friday, November 13, 2015

Salisbury's Young Democrats


  1. I see Josh Hastings, Ron Pagano, Jake Day, Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Sara Meyers and Sarah Lake.

    Sponsored by their Besties: Jackie Welfonder, Shawn Jester, Bunky Luffman and Carl Anderton

  2. how are they going to put all those school children in one room

  3. Young and Democrat in the same sentence...Problem

  4. Only in Salisbury can anyone of these parasites be relevant. After 2016 this town will be broke and they will ALL leave.

  5. Chuck Cook said...

    Only in Salisbury can anyone of these parasites be relevant. After 2016 this town will be broke and they will ALL leave.

    November 13, 2015 at 4:38 PM

    I don't think so Trumpbot.

  6. Anonymous said...
    I see Josh Hastings, Ron Pagano, Jake Day, Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton, Sara Meyers and Sarah Lake.

    Sponsored by their Besties: Jackie Welfonder, Shawn Jester, Bunky Luffman and Carl Anderton

    November 13, 2015 at 2:56 PM

    LMAO. So true, but you left our Muir Bota.

  7. No amount of psychotherapy can cure them.

  8. 2 words... Selective Service


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