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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Salisbury MSP: Civilian Response to Active Shooter Training


  1. Getting ready for thug control in the bury.

  2. i've got an idea.

    get rid of all those anti-constitutional concealed carry laws and the "problem" will take care of itself.

    no need to train people on how to become victims or deal with the stress of an "active shooter" if the shooter was getting lead poisoning from law abiding citizens.

    this is just another example of the intellect of the American left.

    oh no.... got to keep the minions dependent on government to "protect" us from ourselves.

    not me.

    i'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

  3. Carry,remove from holster,aim at shooter and fire before he does.Who needs extensive training for that?

  4. I have seen when drills like this are performed..often they are reported Nationally as an incident and then never followed up on... a few years ago there was a report in So Cal of a shooting at a school next to a Ralph's Grocery and a command center was set up nearby.. I called the Grocery Store and they said it was bull then no follow up or demagoguery ..another school drill/shooting occurred in a vacant school same thing.. let's see if SBY gets some bad press and do something about it..especially if it is just another episode from propaganda central over the bridge

  5. 8:47 you are correct. I'm sure the course will teach us to hide under a desk like they did when I went to school in case of a nuclear attack. Just about as effective.

  6. Should I bring my 38

  7. If the police and their agents don't have anything to scare the people with, how can they keep us under control and submissive?
    An "active shooter" scenario? REALLY?
    Considering that the chances of you being involved in that scenario is about the same as being killed by lightning, and their BEST advice in "training" you is "run or hide" (does ANYONE really need to be told to do either one?), it looks more like a "boogeymen" scare tactic than anything else.
    Follow my advice -- carry a handgun ALL THE TIME. Don't think you need someone's "permission" to do it. Not unless you also ask their permission to read a newspaper or criticize the government or to go to church.
    And when some poor picked on loser starts firing at innocent people, drop him. If I'm on a jury, you are walking free, Jack.
    Or wait for the police to arrive, rope the area off, wrap up the bodies (yours too?), and file a report on the murder scene.
    OR, run and hide, because loud noises scare you and you just don't know what to do when your life is in danger. Oh my!! You need "training". LOL!
    Keep cheering.

  8. When something like this does happen, the first response will be a Press Conference with the Media Whore Sheriff Lewis, laying out his plans for Governor!

  9. Sounds like a fun time. Headed out to pick up tickets!


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