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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rawlings-Blake calls for $6M in affordable housing gap financing

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake on Wednesday proposed using city bonds to set up a $6 million fund aimed at boosting affordable housing in Baltimore.

The mayor wants an affordable housing gap financing fund set up under Baltimore's November 2016 general obligation bond package. Voters would see it on the ballot next fall as a standalone initiative.

"This is the first time ever that bond funding will be marked specifically for affordable housing development," Rawlings-Blake said.



  1. Who is dumb enough to buy Baltimore bonds? The Tax Payers are paying for everything for Baltimore except City Council, Trash collection, Police and Fire Fighters now. All other positions are filled with State Employees. Baltimore is basically a State run City.

  2. As long as everyone is drug/alcohol/tobacco tested.....
    Then put them on work programs.....
    Kick them out the first time they show up with bling or an iphone!

  3. Haha, good one 6:50! You're so right.

  4. Black government officials are offensive. They remind me of slavery. Can they be removed like the Dukes of Hazard?

  5. She has to be one of the worst Mayors in America.

  6. Baltimore is a failed city...Time to move the Annapolis Orioles and Ravens.

  7. Why. They will just burn them down.

  8. Liberal politicians talk all the time about "Affordable Housing" and then pass law after law that makes building a house cost more. Higher permit fees, impact fees, energy codes, sprinkler systems, insurance mandates and on and on.

    We could build "Affordable Housing" if the liberals would stay out of our business. But they can't.

  9. does anybody remember "The Peter Principle"? SR-B is the current President of the US Conference of Mayors!


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