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Monday, November 09, 2015

RACIST Employee Puts THIS on Facebook – Her Company’s Response Is AWESOME!

If you don’t want to work, turn in your papers or give your employer some notice, but don’t disrespect the organization via social media like Shana Latrice, former Brookfield Zoo employee. Latrice, while wearing the establishment’s uniform uploaded a picture with the caption: “at work serving these rude (expletive) white people,” reportedly tagging the Zoo in the post.

The Zoo issued a statement saying it has zero tolerance for that kind of behavior and that the worker is no longer employed there.



  1. rude how? by expecting you to do your job perhaps?

  2. Now you know this was a planned event. She can now live off the system , free everything. She didn't want to work anyway . She ain't seen rude yet , meet me , meat me.

  3. Typical of uncivilized animals!

    Terminated for cause intentionally should be an additional reason to be disqualified from welfare and food stamps!

    It's truly unfortunate that working folks like the rest of us have to put up with the likes of her - and pay for her to live!

  4. and its these type of people who want $15 minimum wage!!!
    give me a break!
    entitlement entitlement entitlement.
    gimmie gimmie gimmie.
    reverse racism at its best...
    maybe if you werent so busy applying your layers of makeup for your selfie, for your stupid facebook, these 'rude ass white people' wouldnt have to wait for you to get off your huge behind, to get a couple of sodas for paying customers.
    any they wonder why America has had it with their 'culture'...
    im sick to death of thier crap.

  5. When blacks spew hate against whites it's called JUSTICE. When whites spew hate against blacks it's called RACISM! !!

  6. At least she didn't have far to walk home!

  7. Just a filthy statement by a member of a filthy culture!

  8. There are jerks in every race.

    She just earned her membership to that club in a big way.


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