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Friday, November 20, 2015

PURE EVIL: ISIS Gutted Wounded Victims at French Concert Hall As They Lay Dying on Floor

They slit their stomachs and watched them die

Two British women who survived the Paris concert hall massacre, Christine Tudhope and Mariesha Payne hid in the cellar while the terrorists went on their bloody rampage on the floor above them.

The two women hid in the cellar of the Bataclan as the Islamists shouting “Allahu Akbar” slaughtered 100 innocents on the floor above them.



  1. This can't be true. Obama said that Muslims are peaceful people.

    1. I'd yell “Allahu Akbar” too. Right as I was depressing the release payload button of the long range bomber I was flying, dropping a nice big nuke and eradicating these cowardly bastards that kill women and children. Yeah, “Allahu Akbar” this mother f***er!

  2. it's all a lie! Islam is the religion of Satan and he Has unleashed his demons upon us. The turmoil they create as we are witnessing in Europe, is what Obama seeks for us

  3. Muslims are intolerant people. They don't assimilate. Their way or the (death) highway.

  4. They also yelled "Allah Bless Obama" while killing.

  5. Think how peaceful the world would be today, if the Enligtenment had reached the Islamist empire, and the people had tossed out their superstition and embraced a naturalist worldview. Atheist Syrians aren't going to be killing anybody in the name of thei invisible friend.

  6. Everyone needs to remember when they see some moron democrat on Facebook, with that cute little Syrian child picture. They don't assimilate, they become boston bombers, let the Christians in, and keep the Muslims out.


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