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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Proposed Regulations for Drones are Released

Drones, those remote-controlled flying machines, are expected to top many wish lists this holiday season.
Now those who open those gifts will most likely need to tell the federal government.

On Monday, the Federal Aviation Administration, scurrying to prepare for hundreds of thousands of more drones flying into the air, released a list of recommendations for how to better monitor recreational use of the machines. Under the proposal, most drone owners would have to register the machines with the federal government, which would place the information in a national database, the first such requirements.

The recommendations, from a task force created by the agency, would be the biggest step yet by the government to deal with the proliferation of recreational drones, which are usually used for harmless purposes but have also been tools for mischief and serious wrongdoing, and pose a risk to airborne jets.

The F.A.A. is widely expected to approve the bulk of the recommendations in the next month, just in time for Christmas.


  1. Just about anything has the potential to be used for mischief and wrongdoing, and probably already has, at some time or the other.

    I don't want to see more government control and regulation, but since some people can be real jerks, it needs to be well known that doing something that injures or endangers others or their property, or violates their right to privacy, is going to be more trouble and expense than fun.

  2. 11:26 AM - Agreed - This is less about the regulation of drones for their own sake and more about trying to maintain safety for commercial aircraft and their passengers.

    That being said, the FAA has gone way too far.


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