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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Politico Admits Fabricating A Hit Piece On Ben Carson

Politico's editorial staff on Friday conceded that entire basis of attack on Carson was invented out of whole cloth.

Politico‘s Kyle Cheney admitted that he fabricated a negative story about Ben Carson. At least, according to his own standards, he admitted the grievous journalistic sin.

In a story published early on Friday, Politico’s Kyle Cheney authored a piece headlined “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship” with a subhed “Carson’s campaign on Friday conceded that a central point in his inspirational personal story did not occur as he previously described.”

There were at least five major problems with the story:

The headline was completely false
The sub-header was also completely false
The opening paragraph was false false false
The substance of the piece was missing key exonerating information
The article demonstrated confusion about service academy admissions and benefits

But other than that, A+++ work, Kyle Cheney and Politico.
Later, Politico stealthily edited the inflammatory headline and lede, after the damage was done. They made changes without adding a note about what was corrected. They didn’t update the piece or add an editor’s note.



  1. What's the point? The damage has already been done. A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can put its shoes on. I'd say boycott the main stream media, but that is nearly impossible. If you bought or sold nothing that was advertised on the idiot box, there would be very little to buy or sell.

  2. In the days of REAL journalism, this writer would have had his next paycheck arrive wrapped in pink. In those days, he wouldn't be able to find a job on a reputable paper.

    No ethics, no memory. What are we becoming?

  3. All liberals do is lie when it comes to the republicans, they never engage in honest debate because they know they will lose.

  4. their mission has been accomplished - time to move on to the next victim - and it WON'T BE Shrillary


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