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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Planned Parenthood and Clinton Foundation Take a Fundraising Hit in Arizona

State employees can no longer direct a portion of their paychecks to Planned Parenthood or the Clinton Foundation, after a state panel decided to remove the groups from the state's charitable giving program.

Gov. Doug Ducey, who chairs the State Employee Charitable Campaign, said the decision was motivated by recent controversies surrounding the two non-profits.

"The governor supports this decision by the committee," Ducey spokesman Daniel Scarpinato wrote in an e-mail to The Arizona Republic. "The state has to be responsible and thoughtful about programs that are approved as part of a taxpayer-run entity, and these two organizations have been embroiled in controversy."


  1. Who put either of them on the list to begin with!!!

  2. Thank goodness someone came to their senses and stopped this from happening. More states need to do the same thing. The United Way always asked for business donations and payroll deductions from employees and they support PPH. That should stop immediately.


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